Project Description
The Erasmus+ MODEST project First Online Doctoral School ”EffectiVe Researcher: formula for successful scientifIc CAreer” (EVRICA) will take place on 14-28 March 2022. The “EVRIСA” school will focus on developing doctoral students’ transferable skills required for a sustainable professional career in science and technology. The school will start from lecturing period (14-16 March), continue with remote work on Home-Work Assignments (HWAs) for approximately 2 weeks with virtual consultations, and will finish (on 28 March) with final presentations on HWAs and discussions, evaluation and awarding MODEST e-certificates.
Lectures include the following topics: academic writing for research publication purposes; modern approaches to creating presentations and posters; modern trends in research methodology; scientific ethics, intellectual property; projects’ preparation and management; internationalization of research.
Target audience: doctoral students, young researchers Selection criteria: motivation letter Registration deadline: 1 March 2022
See more details in announcement.
Text by: Irina Obukhova, Elena Bazanova