Project Description

FutureEarth General Assembly took place on 21-23 September in Paris and gathered over 200 participants to discuss the international research collaboration facing the challenge of the coming decade. The Future Earth Mission is “ to advice research in support of transformations to global sustainability”. Prof. Kristie Ebi gave a plenary talk on “Health and Challenges ahead”. The key message was that the increase of atmospheric Cos concentration will affect the quality of crop species (C3-plants). The crops will have lower protein content and less micronutrients. This would lead to so called “hidden hunger”. The conference participants discussed in working groups, inter alia, how do we transform to accelerate the pathways to sustainability. The possible methods here could be the regional seminars to early career scientists and senior scientists, collection of good practises e.g mentorships and awards to recognize contributors. Fundraising is need for transformative research. FE value articulation is needed together with the demonstration of the success stories.

The next Future Earth Sustainability Research and Innovation (SRI) Congress will be held on 26-30 June 2023 in Panama  Read more on the upcoming conference.