Project Description

PEEX Modelling Platform research and development through CSC HPC research projects (PEEX-MP-at-CSC)

The IT Center for Science (CSC, Finland, provides opportunities for initiating and expanding collaboration between Finnish and international universities/ organizations in research and educational projects employing CSC’s computing infrastructure, computing resources, storage facilities, etc.  Such opportunity is realised in a form of High-Performance-Computing (HPC) projects.

In particular, activities on the PEEX Modelling Platform (PEEX-MP) research and development are realised through HPC projects in a field of the Earth Sciences and Environment. Three of such research projects with employing of the Enviro-HIRLAM (Environment-HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model; seamless/online integrated multi-scales and -processes modelling system are briefly presented below. Moreover, such projects allow to strengthen, expand and improve international collaboration among the PEEX Partners.

Coordination of HPC projects from University of Helsinki side: Dr. Alexander Mahura

(1) INTURBEM-DI: “INTegrated URBan Environmental Modeling: from Development to Implementation”

PI Prof. Igor Esau, The Arctic University of Norway (UiT), Tromsø, Norway

The project focus is on the combined examination of urban climate and atmospheric pollution through an integrated methodology employing high-resolution numerical modelling and data fusion techniques. The proposed approach seamlessly merges urban scale large-eddy simulations, performed at a meter-scale using PALM model, with a kilometer-scale meteorological simulations using the Enviro-HIRLAM model. To enhance the precision and details of environmental assessments and predictions, the remote-sensing and citizens’ data will be integrated. The project will ensure comprehensive understanding of urban environmental dynamics.

See proposal 1 summary in short.

(2) ACM–EWAI: “Effects of Aerosol-Cloud-Meteorology interactions on Extreme Weather events under Anthropogenic Impact”

PI Dr. Mykhailo Savenets, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI), Kyiv, Ukraine

Considering the uncertainties in modeling aerosol-cloud-meteorology interactions, the study aims to model (employing Enviro-HIRLAM modelling system) and analyse the various aerosol impacts on extreme weather events, with focus on cases with convective clouds under anthropogenic impact with enhancing consequences.

See proposal 2 summary in short.

(3) ACM–LCC: “Influence of Aerosol-Cloud-Meteorology interactions on extreme weather events under Land use/ land Cover Changes”

PI Dr. Larysa Pysarenko, Ukrainian Hydrometeorological Institute (UHMI), Kyiv, Ukraine

Considering the uncertainties in modelling aerosol-cloud-meteorology interactions, the project aims to model (employing Enviro-HIRLAM modelling system) and analyse the different aerosol impacts on extreme weather events, with focus on cases with convective clouds and how land use/ land cover redistribution can enhance the consequences.

See proposal 3 summary in short.

(4) ISA–URB: “Integrated Systems and Analysis of URBan mobility for climate-neutral and sustainable cities in Europe”

PI Dr. Maher Sahyoun, Niels Bohr Institute (NBI), University of Copenhagen (UCPH), Copenhagen, Denmark

The project aim is to enhance understanding of the interactions among urban multimodal mobility, traffic emissions, air quality, and thus, climate change in cities. The Enviro-HIRLAM model will be utilized for multi-scenarios simulations, and for proposing multi-mode transport schemes conducive to sustainable development, with emissions reduction and mitigation of health and climate risks.

See proposal 4 summary in short.