Project Description
The recently released Joint Communication – to The European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and The Committee of the Regions – states that the “climate change is the most comprehensive threat the Arctic is facing and has reached an unprecedented crisis point”. The Arctic States should take responsibility for tackling challenges and opportunities within their territories considering intensifying interest in Arctic resources and transportation routes which are rapidly transforming the Arctic region. The European Union will strengthen its Arctic engagement considering the Arctic as the region of peaceful cooperation, making the Arctic more resilient to environmental degradation, as well as stimulating innovative green, blue and digital transition. The Main Focuses are: FOCUS 1: The EU and the Northern Dimension FOCUS 2: Greenland FOCUS 3: The thawing permafrost FOCUS 4: Making the Agreement to Prevent Unregulated High Seas Fisheries in the Central Arctic Ocean a success FOCUS 5: Black carbon FOCUS 6: EU-Polar Net FOCUS 7: Health and resilience FOCUS 8: InvestEU for the Arctic See more details in official document.
Text by PEEX Headquarters Office, Helsinki