Project Description

The Online Meeting of the Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) and Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) programmes on “Coordinated, comprehensive, long-term in situ component of land-atmosphere measurements for complementing the space borne Earth Observation” took place on 31 March 2022 between colleagues from the International Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) / Digital Belt and Road Programme (DBAR) and the University of Helsinki (UHEL) / Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) (Global Observatory / Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Programme).
The meeting aimed to give an overview of CBAS – INAR and DBAR – PEEX observation activities, e.g introduce the new CBAS Center and Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) for DBAR. A series of oral presentation included presentations about the DBAR programme and CBAS research activities; Giga city observations; Arctic SDGs addressing by Big Data; Studies on vegetation of the Earth’s three poles; Big Earth Data for SDG 13 Climate Action; INAR Asian collaboration activities; Arctic iCUPE datasets – products for research, stakeholders and end-users communities; Arctic research, Svalbard collaboration, SMEAR-I Värriö station observations.
These followed by discussions (chaired by Drs. Hanna Lappalainen, INAR and Yubao Qiu, CBAS) on a near future and long-term collaboration CBAS and INAR plans as well as discussions on organization of joint workshops (with invited speakers) with focus on in-situ and remote sensing observations/ data to meet SDGs (with focus on SDG-13 – Climate action) and data needs; workshop on data (4 May 2022) and workshop on SDG-13 (Sep 2022); topics for joint papers on bridging current observation activities, carrying out inter comparison between in-situ and satellite observations, especially for United Nation SDGs, Arctic firstly and connections of stations and experiments.
Text by: Hanna Lappalainen, Alexander Mahura (UHEL)