Project Description

The is an international award that is delivered annually to a creative scientist who has made breakthroughs in “Boundary layer studies in atmospheric and ocean sciences”.
Nominations for the award are openly selected within international research networks, particularly those related to Zilitinkevich’s activities.

Nominations are accepted from 01 December 2024– 28 February 2025.

Documents required for the nomination:

  • Nomination letter
  • 2-5 Supporting letters
    • Fewer supporting letters with several signatures are preferred.
    • Nomination letters  that describe the contributions of the nominee and their impact would be preferred.
  • Curriculum Vitae
    • including a one page summary, and
    • including supervision and education activities.
  • Publication list.

The documents should be sent to, cc by 28 February 2025.

For more information, contact the Chair of the Nomination Committee or the Secretary of the Nomination Committee