to bridge students from European and Neighbourhood East universities and to engage them with climate competences e.g., ideas of adaptation and mitigation to climate change and the green agenda together with interdisciplinary/ green/ soft skills.

CLUVEX Main Activity – Virtual Exchange

is the interactive on-line courses including traditional education materials in a way that students, professors and teaching assistants will work together in small groups. The VE will take place in small groups discussing specific topics of climate change.

CLUVEX Foundation, Implementation and Networking

Project builds on atmospheric sciences research and existing virtual on-line platform called “Climate University” developed and hosted by the University of Helsinki (coordinator). The Climate University has been already piloted since 2018 in 25 higher education institutions in Finland. VE activities will be integrated into interactive Climate University higher education e-courses involving 2500 higher education participants.

Project novelty is that the art & science partner BioArt Society will introduce artistic perspectives on how contemporary art aims to contribute to the public climate change discourse in the form of VE lectures and creative exercises.

Project will be implemented on a 50% basis so that half of participants come from universities of Denmark and Finland e.g., European universities and the other half from Ukraine and Armenia universities (as Neighbourhood East countries). All the partners bring their technical tools together with pedagogical expertise for designing new VE interaction between students.

Project will use its networks like Una Europa, an alliance of 11 European universities, World Meteorological Organization’s Global Campus initiative, in Europe and Neighbourhood East to attract other participants on a diversity basis.

Major Outcome

is nurturing the generation of young Climate Messengers competent in building climate awareness and sustainability strategies in their home organisations and future work life. The project has a high momentum in the post COVID19 situation, where we do not know how soon face-to-face communication will be normalised and sustainability of travelling is questioned in a world aiming at carbon neutrality. Thus, the VE cooperation complements the ongoing physical mobility opportunities in the field of climate change research and the ensemble of political decisions and issues, where Neighbourhood East has an especially important role in a global scale and new Climate Messengers could be much needed expertise in labour markets.

Main Objectives

(1) to bridge and bring together students from European and Neighbourhood East countries universities and engage them with climate competences and soft skills;

(2) to develop and design a new, tailored Virtual Exchange concept for climate education and training;

(3) to educate new facilitators and moderators with climate competences and soft skills for Virtual Exchange;

(4) to educate university students to act as Climate Messengers in society;

(5) to upscale and distribute information on Virtual Exchange as a powerful tool bring students together from across wide geographical distances.

WorkPackages (WPs)

WP1 – Management and Quality Assurance (lead – UH-INAR)

WP2 – Preparatory Work for Virtual Exchange (lead – OSENU)

WP3 – Staff Training for Virtual Exchange (lead – TSNUK)

WP4 – Implementation for Virtual Exchange (lead – UCPH)

WP5 – Dissemination, Visibility and Sustainability (lead – YSU)


Deliverable No Deliverable NameWork Package No Lead BeneficiaryTypeDissemination LevelDue DateDescription 
D1.1CLUVEX project e-platform1UHDECPU M02Website (public and intranet) / English
D1.2Project meetings and reports, financial and contractual tasks1UHRPUM06, M12, M18, M26, M34, M36    Minutes of kick-off, mid-term and final meetings ( English), project reports, Consortium Agreement, 
D1.3CLUVEX Monitoring Strategy & Quality Assurance Plan and Reports on quality assurance1UHRPUM03 + regular updatesQA Plan and measures determined in the Monitoring & QA Plan with regular updates
D2.1Virtual Exchange Guidebook (VEG)2OSENURPUM06Format: digital (pdf)
Language: EN, Partners national
Volume: at least 20 pages

D2.2Climate Literacy Guidebook (CLG)2OSENURPUM09Format: digital (pdf): version 1, version 2
Language: EN, Partners national
Volume: at least 20 pages

D2.3Climate Messenger Code of Conduct  (CMC)2OSENURPUM09Format: digital (pdf)
Language: EN, Partners national
Volume: at least 20 pages
D2.4Training programs/ syllabi2OSENURPUM12Online, EN
D2.5e-Living Annex to the Virtual Exchange Guidebook2OSENUDEM, DATAPUM12, M18Online, EN
D3.1Set of online tutorials/ recordings for the CLUVEX trainings and course modules3TSNUKPUM12, M15, M18Electronic format, EN/Partners languages
D3.2Online tutorial on soft-skills development and digital didactics for VE learning3TSNUKRPUM24Electronic format, EN/ Partners languages, 20 pages
D4.1Initial test of the Climate University’s pilot course4UHDEMPU M18a unit of measurement: number of students participated passed the online course(s) and tailored VE exercises having “Climate Messenger”  certificate
D4.2Participation of CLUVEX partner  universities’ students to VE & Climate University course‘4OSENURPU M30a unit of measurement: number of students participated passed the online course(s) and tailored VE exercises having “Climate Messenger”  certificate
D5.1Dissemination strategy (public and internal) with Brandbook  and dissemination materials as an annex5OSENUPUM03 (for dissemination strategy)
M03 (for digital materials)
M18, M36 (for physical materials)
Dissemination Strategy Format: online (pdf), available on the Internal Communication e-Platform Brandbook is annex to the Dissemination Strategy, includes logo, colour scheme, templates Language: English, volume: at least 15 pages (Strategy) + links to templates, presentations, loho, etc Dissemination Materials Format digital: info posters, banners, visual imagery, audio (interviews, jingle, ringtone)  physical (analog): badges, T-shirts, hoodies, notebooks, pens, etc. Language: EN/ Partners languages 
D5.2Sustainability strategy5YSURPU M33Format: digital (pdf)
Language: English
Volume: at least 30 pages

List of participating organisations

#Participating Organisation Legal NameShort nameCountryRole
(1.June.2024: Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University ONU)
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