GlobalSMEAR initiative is motivated by the fact that the Earth is facing several environmental Grand Challenges on a global scale. The growing and moving population needs more fresh water and air, good food and energy. The Grand Challenges are the main factors controlling human well-being and security as well as the stability of future societies. The Grand Challenges are highly connected and interlinked, they cannot be solved separately. In order to find practical solutions, a deep understanding based on new scientific knowledge based on advanced data is needed. Global Earth observatory network with well-equipped ground stations around the world would track Earth surface–atmosphere interactions and energy flows. To detect the state of atmosphere the novel in situ data would be linked to data from satellite-based remote sensing, laboratory experiments and computer models. To be able to meet theses challenges the idea is to establish GlobalSMEAR network in collaboration with different frameworks such as:
- initiatives like Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX) Intiative, Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) Intiative
- global organization like WMO GAW program and Future Earth
- funding support from governments and private foundations
- upgrading existing stations belonging to existing networks e.g. ICOS, ACTRIS, eLTER
- addressing the synergy of the co-location of new stations with the exsiting ones
- national projects developing in situ observation systems like HAZE Beijing and JirLATEST in China.