2025 Erasmus+ Calls
The European Commission has opened the 2025 calls of the Erasmus+ programme.
In Finland, the amount of funding available in the 2025 calls is approximately EUR 71 million.
The application deadlines are:
(1) learning mobility actions (KA1) for staff mobility in the field of sport, mobility projects in the field of youth, and DiscoverEU Inclusion Action: [Read more]
Call for IASC Cross-Cutting and Working Group Proposals 2025
The International Arctic Science Committee (IASC) is now accepting proposals for consideration for IASC funding in 2025 until 6 January 2025 at 13:00 GMT.
The funding is provided by the five IASC Working Groups (WGs) (Atmosphere, Cryosphere, Marine, Social & Human, Terrestrial. It is aimed at encouraging and supporting science-led international programmes by offering [Read more]
PEEX collaboration: Research training visit from KazNU to INAR
From 9 November 2024 to 19 December 2024, PhD student Gulnur Musralinova from the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU, Almaty, Republic of Kazakhstan) visited the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), University of Helsinki (UHEL) and successfully completed the research training. This visit was a part of PhD work on thesis “Assessment of the [Read more]
Winter 2025 School on Advanced Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks
The Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) of the University of Helsinki (UH) will organize Winter School on Advanced Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks. The school will take place during 3-14 March 2025. This school is organized at the Hyytiälä Forest Station, Finland (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/research-stations/hyytiala-forest-station).
The course is aimed for early-stage [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with Istanbul Technical University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Department of Climate Science and Meteorological Engineering, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS the 4th Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award, open 1st December 2024 – 28th February 2025
Sergej Zilitinkevich was an extraordinarily creative scientist. His main research area was boundary layer dynamics and turbulence. He utilized his knowledge widely in different scientific disciplines. The following organizations have jointly decided to establish the Sergej Zilitinkevich memorial award:
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
European Meteorological Society (EMS)
Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC)
Institute for Atmospheric and [Read more]
Arctic Yearbook 2024 Now Available Online
EU-SciDipAlliance released Policy Brief on Science Diplomacy Capacity Building
EU-SciDipAlliance released Policy Brief on Science Diplomacy Capacity Building.
INAR /ACCC is a member of the EU-SciDipAlliance, the European Science Diplomacy Allliance
Policy Brief (Position Paper) on “Current State and Future Directions” as Seen by the EU Science Diplomacy Alliance is now available: https://www.science-diplomacy.eu/news/new-policy-brief-on-capacity-building-in-science-diplomacy/
ACCC+FASN Conference – sumup
Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2025 call opens soon
The is an international award that is delivered annually to a creative scientist who has made breakthroughs in “Boundary layer studies in atmospheric and ocean sciences”.
Nominations for the award are openly selected within international research networks, particularly those related to Zilitinkevich’s activities.
Nominations are accepted from 01 December 2024– 28 February 2025.
Documents required for [Read more]
CRiceS project 3rd Annual Meeting – sumup
The 3rd Annual Meeting of the Horizon-2020 project CRiceS “Climate Relevant interactions & feedbacks: the key role of sea ice and Snow in the polar and global climate system” (https://www.crices-h2020.eu) took place in a hybrid mode (onsite/online) during 28-31 October 2024, Bologna, Italy. The event took place at the Centro Congressi of the [Read more]
Sumup about 1st CLUVEX Virtual Exchange Week
The 1st Virtual Exchange (VE) Week took place online 14-18 October 2024. More than 400 students had registered on DigiCampus for the first CLUVEX Virtual Exchange week. Out of all registered students, more than 200 students actively participated in the whole week’s program. The work was done online (3 hour per day). More [Read more]
ClimEd 5th Training: Applying Different Technologies of Blended/Online Learning in Education
ClimEd Training #5: Applying Different Technologies of Blended/Online Learning in Education
The ClimEd 5th Training on “Applying Different Technologies of Blended/Online Learning in Education” took place in a hybrid mode during 30 September – 4 October 2024. The ClimEd project trainings are focused on training the faculty/ teaching/ research staff and postgraduates at the [Read more]
PEEX Newsletter issue 29
Our latest PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter is out! In this issue, find news on recent Arctic research publications, educational platforms, coming events and research visits among the PEEX community. Read it here.
4th ACCC Impact Week
When: April 22-25, 2025
Where: Cultural Center Sofia, Vuosaari, Helsinki, FI
The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship program welcomes collaborators across disciplines and sectors to join our 4th Impact Week event on April 22-25, 2025 in Helsinki. We invite researchers and experts, businesses, civil society organizations, climate policy makers, educational professionals, research infrastructure [Read more]
3rd Science Meeting of Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS Project
The 2nd Science Meeting of the EC Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS project (https://riurbans.eu) took place in a hybrid mode (onsite/online) during 25-26 September 2024 in Helsinki, Finland on premises of the Finnish Meteorological Institute. This event attended almost 50 participants onsite and almost 80 persons online.
The Science Meeting focused on the key topics of [Read more]
CLUVEX – Trainings for Moderators completed & Open Call for 1st VE Week for Students
The Erasmus+ CLUVEX project (Jul 2023 – Jun 2026; https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex) continues steps for organization and carrying out the Virtual Exchanges (VE) or so-called the VE Weeks for students from the CLUVEX Partners’ Universities (Yerevan State University, Armenia; Odessa State Environmental University (now merged with the Mechnikov’s Odessa National University) and Taras Shevchenko [Read more]
Prof. Aijun Ding, School of Atmospheric Sciences at Nanjing University received the S. Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2024
Enviro-PEEX(Plus) on ECMWF HPC project – Sumup
The Enviro-PEEX(Plus) on ECMWF HPC project, led by the University of Helsinki, was successfully completed. The project entitled “Research and development for integrated meteorology – atmospheric composition multi-scales and – processes modelling for the Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX) domain for weather, air quality and climate applications” (https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/peex/index.php/enviro-peex_plus) was realised during 2021-2023 with final [Read more]
5th ClimEd Training in Autumn 2024 (Tartu, Estonia)
PEEX signed new MoU with Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University, Kazakhstan. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
PEEX collaboration meeting with the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
The Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX; https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/peex) collaboration meeting between the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU; https://farabi.university) and University of Helsinki (UHEL; https://www.helsinki.fi/en), Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR; https://www.helsinki.fi/en/inar) took place on 19 August 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. Representatives from both KazNU and UHEL jointly met to introduce [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with Dalian University of Technology
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the School of Infrastructure Engineering of Dalian University of Technology, China. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
PEEX signed new MoU with AOS, IAS, IRDR ICoE of Fudan University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS), Institute of Atmospheric Sciences (IAS), Fudan Integrated Research on Disaster RisksInternational Center of Excellence (IRDR ICoE) Fudan University, China. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China [Read more]
Prof. Aijun Ding’s S. Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2024 Lecture on 4th September
The 2024 Annual Meeting of the European Meteorological Society will take place as a hybrid event at the Historical University of Barcelona & online from 2 to 6 September 2024 (https://ems2024.eu/). Prof. Aijun Ding, School of Atmospheric Sciences at Nanjing University, will give his lecture on “Interactions of Atmospheric Chemistry and Atmospheric [Read more]
Announcement for the 8th Digital Belt and Road Conference (October 2024)
The 8th Digital Belt and Road Conference (DBAR 2024) will be held in Suzhou, China from 23-24 October 2024. DBAR 2024 will facilitate global dialogue on research, capacity, and infrastructure challenges world widely, promote Big Earth Data science and technology for application in informed policy and decision support systems and align collective efforts [Read more]
Joint meeting of the Erasmus+ ClimEd and CLUVEX projects in Finland
The University of Helsinki hosted a joint meeting of the Erasmus+ projects – ClimEd (http://climed.network) and CLUVEX (https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex) during 26-28 June 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. Colleagues from Ukraine – Odesa Mechnikov National University (formerly the Odessa State Environmental University, OSENU), Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture, and Bila Tserkva National [Read more]
PEEX Newsletter issue 28
Our latest PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter is out! In this issue, find news on recent Arctic research publications, educational platforms, coming events and research visits among the PEEX community. Read it here.
PEEX Collaboration Online Workshop with IMMSP-NAS, Ukraine
The PEEX collaboration online workshop took place on 6 June 2024. Participants, in total than 20 persons, from the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research, University of Helsinki (INAR-UHEL, Finland) & the Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems Problems, National Academy of Sciences (IMMSP-NAS, Ukraine) attended the workshop.
The workshop started from an [Read more]
Summary of PEEX session at Air Quality Conference
The PEEX special session on “Contribution on air quality in Mega and Gigacities” was held during the 14th International Conference on Air Quality (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/air-quality-2024; Helsinki, Finland, 13-17 May 2024). The Conference (organized and hosted by the University of Helsinki and Finnish Meteorological Institute) has focused on sharing latest advancements and research findings [Read more]
Upcoming Science Meetings on Research Projects with PEEX involvement
The Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS (https://riurbans.eu; Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS) project 3rd Science Meeting will take place in a hybrid (onsite/ online) mode on 25-26 September 2024 in Helsinki, Finland. The scope of this meeting is in the following major topics of the project: [Read more]
ClimEd training on Developing Learning Courses in Climate Services Considering Needs of Different Users
The ClimEd 4th Training on “Learning courses’ development in climate services considering needs of different users” took place in a hybrid mode during 6-10 May 2024. The ClimEd project trainings are focused on training the faculty/ teaching/ research staff and postgraduates at the ClimEd partner institutions and collaborating organizations in advanced educational and information-and-communication [Read more]
Autumn School on Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedback
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR, University of Helsinki, will organize Autumn School “Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks” on 7-18 October 2024.
The course is aimed for master’s students in atmospheric, biospheric and Earth system sciences. Also doctoral students can apply.
The course is organized at Hyytiälä forest station, Finland, https://www.helsinki.fi/en/research-stations/hyytiala-forest-station
The main [Read more]
Open Data – Download and Explore RI-URBANS Datasets
The Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS (https://riurbans.eu) project is collecting data from several sources, covering observational data of a range of different compounds, e.g., nanoparticles and atmospheric particulate matter, their sizes, constituents, and gaseous precursors at the ground and height profiles.
According to RI-URBANS Data Management Plan, datasets were compiled from EBAS database when available. These [Read more]
PEEX collaboration meeting with Fudan University
The Fudan University (Shanghai, China) delegation, led by Prof. Guihua Wang (Vice Dean, Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences of the Fudan University) visited the University of Helsinki INAR during the Air Quality Conference held in Helsinki, Finland. The onsite bi-lateral meeting took place on 14 May 2024, and in total 12 persons [Read more]
Summaries of the Polar Symposium are available
The Polar Initiative announced that the summary booklet of the Polar Symposium 2024, which captures the discussions and insights exchanged throughout the event is readily accessible online via the Polar Initiative website: Summaries of the Polar Symposium
PEEX signed new MoU with Institute of Forestry and Engineering, Estonian University of Life Sciences
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Institute of Forestry and Engineering, Estonian University of Life Sciences. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
S. Zilitinkevich Award 2024 for Prof. Aijun Ding
The Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award Nomination Committee is pleased to announce that Aijun Ding of the School of Atmospheric Sciences, Nanjing University, China, has been selected to receive the S. Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2024.
Aijun Ding has made extraordinary contributions to the understanding of the aerosol-planetary boundary layer (PBL) interaction and its application in [Read more]
Field course in Micrometeorology and Hydrology
The Field course in Micrometeorology and Hydrology is organized by the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), University of Helsinki. The course will take place in the Hyytiälä Forestry Field station (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/research-stations/hyytiala-forest-station) in Finland, from 26 to 30 August 2024.
The course will cover various aspects related to methods for measuring [Read more]
5th ClimEd training: Blended/Online Learning for Climate Change: Bridging Theory, Technology, and Practical Application
The Erasmus+ ClimEd project is arranging the 5th training (onsite/ hybrid, 30 September – 4 October 2024, Estonia) on Blended/ Online Learning for Climate Change: Bridging Theory, Technology, and Practical Application. The ClimEd Trainings are focused on training the faculty staff at the ClimEd partner institutions in advanced educational and information-and-communication technologies [Read more]
4th International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals
The 4th International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS 2024; https://www.fbas.org.cn/fbas2024/en) scheduled to take place during 6-8 September 2024 (Beijing, China). This event will be hosted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and organized by the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS), in collaboration [Read more]
PEEX related posters at EGU 2024
The European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly took place in Vienna, Austria during 14-19 April 2024 in a hybrid mode (https://www.egu24.eu). The EGU24 attended onsite 18,388 persons from 116 countries. 2,591 persons from 109 countries joined the event online. 57% of contributors were early career scientists.
Among PEEX related presentations, results and outcomes [Read more]
International Summer School Program on Climate Change and Related Risks
The International Summer School Program on Climate Change and Related Risks is scheduled to take place at the Fudan University (Shanghai, China) from 21 July to 8 August 2024. This Summer School Program is a collaborative effort between the Fudan University (FDU), the World Meteorological Organization/ Global Atmosphere Watch Programme (WMO/GAW), the Monitoring, [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with UHMS
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Ukrainian Joint Meteorological and Hydrological Society (UHMS). The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
Summary of PEEX hybrid seminar at ACCC Impact Week
The PEEX hybrid (online/ onsite – Sofia Cultural Center, Vuosaari, Helsinki, Finland) seminar took place on 11 April 2024. This event was organised as a part of the 3rd ACCC (The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center; https://www.acccflagship.fi) Impact Week (8-12 Apr 2024; see detailed agenda at https://www.acccflagship.fi/index.php/3rd-accc-impact-week-2024). More than 40 participants [Read more]
PEEX-related paper in the Big Earth Data special issue
The following paper has been published recently in the special issue for the PEEX & DBAR programmes in the Big Earth Data journal:
Mahura A., Baklanov A., Makkonen R., Boy M., Petäjä T., Lappalainen H.K., Nuterman R., Kerminen V-M., Arnold S.R., Jochum M., Shvidenko A., Esau I., Sofiev M., Stohl A., Aalto T., Bai [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with University of Belgrade
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Faculty of Agriculture, University of Belgrade, Serbia. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
PEEX and atmospheric modelling related manuscript in the Big Earth Data
The following paper has been published recently in the Big Earth Data journal: Foreback, Benjamin, Alexander Mahura, Petri Clusius, Carlton Xavier, Metin Baykara, Putian Zhou, Tuomo Nieminen, et al. “A New Implementation of FLEXPART with Enviro-HIRLAM Meteorological Input, and a Case Study during a Heavy Air Pollution Event.” Big Earth Data, (2024), 1–38.
PEEX Newsletter issue 27
Our latest PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter is out! In this issue, find news on recent Arctic research publications, educational platforms, coming events and research visits among the PEEX community. Read it here.
AASCO Session at ASSW – Sumup
The Arctic Science Co-Operations (AASCO) session at the Arctic Science Summit Week 2024 (ASSW; https://www.assw.info/program) took place in a hybrid mode (onsite/online) during 23-24 Mar 2024 in Edinburg, Scotland, UK.
The AASCO session goal was to strengthen connections among existing research communities interested in feedback research. Additionally, the aim is to formulate a [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with Kyiv Academic University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Kyiv Academic University, Ukraine. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
Summer School on Application of AI/ML techniques in Atmospheric Science
The Lahti University Campus, the University of Helsinki (UH), Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) and the Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology (LUT), Department of Computational Engineering are pleased to announce the summer school “Application of AI/ML techniques in Atmospheric Science” during 12-16 Aug 2024 in Lahti, Finland.
The summer school will provide [Read more]
PEEX-related paper in the Big Earth Data
The following paper has been published recently in the Big Earth Data journal:
Larisa Sogacheva, Timo H. Virtanen, Anu-Maija Sundström, Pekka Kolmonen, Mikhail Sofiev, Hanna K. Lappalainen & Antti Arola (2024)Two decades of fire activity over the PEEX domain: a look from space, with contribution from models and ground-based measurements, Big Earth Data, DOI: [Read more]
236 three-year PhD positions open at the University of Helsinki
The University of Helsinki Doctoral School is seeking PhD candidates for three-year positions in the research areas Doctoral Education Pilot, for which the application time opens on 2 April 2024 and closes on 22 April 2024.
Find out more about the positions available in different scientific networks and projects and the application criteria:
• Pilot [Read more]
Training in Micrometeorological Measurements and Applications – FAIRNESS Summer School 2024
The FAIRNESS summer school is planned onsite at the Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary) during 10-15 Jun 2024. This school is organized and funded by the COST Action FAIRNESS “FAIR Network of micrometeorological measurements” (https://www.fairness-ca20108.eu).
The school aim is to support participants in first steps of micrometeorological measurements and data analysis via small [Read more]
COST Action Call 2024
The European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST; https://www.cost.eu) is a funding organisation for research and innovation networks. COST Actions help connect research initiatives across Europe and beyond and enable researchers and innovators to grow their ideas in any science and technology field by sharing them with their peers. COST Actions are bottom-up [Read more]
Interreg – Central Baltic programme – Call for Project Proposals
Your Content Goes Here
The launched Fourth Round of Calls for Project Proposals is open for all objectives of the Central Baltic programme (https://centralbaltic.eu). There are seven programme objectives such as – (1) More exports by SMEs; (2) More new scaled-up growth companies; (3) Joint circular economy solutions; (4) Improved coastal and [Read more]
Formation and Growth of Atmospheric Aerosols (ATMDP-005) summer course
Doctoral programme in Atmospheric Sciences at University of Helsinki and CLOUD-DOC doctoral network are organising the intensive course: Formation and Growth of Atmospheric Aerosols (ATMDP-005) on 12.-22.8.2024 in Hyytiälä, Finland.
The course is intended for Doctoral researchers and advanced MSc students in atmospheric sciences.
Announcement as pdf
NordForsk et al. Call on Sustainable Development on the Arctic
The Nordic countries have teamed up with Canada and Unite States to launch a NordForsk two-stage Call on the sustainable development of the Arctic. See announcement at: https://www.nordforsk.org/calls/sustainable-development-arctic-call-pre-proposals
The Call aim is to support research collaboration among participating countries in the Arctic region in order to bring forward new knowledge on how to ensure [Read more]
4th ClimEd Training: Developing Learning Courses in Climate Services Considering Needs of Different Users
The Erasmus+ ClimEd project is arranging the 4th training (onsite/ hybrid, 6-10 May 2024, Vila-Seca, Tarragona, Spain) on Developing Learning Courses in Climate Services considering needs of different users. The ClimEd Trainings are focused on training the faculty staff at the ClimEd partner institutions in advanced educational and information-and-communication technologies for building a flexible multi-level [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems NAS of Ukraine
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Institute of Mathematical Machines and Systems NAS of Ukraine. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
PEEX Modelling Platform research and development through CSC HPC research projects
The IT Center for Science (CSC, Finland, https://www.csc.fi) provides opportunities for initiating and expanding collaboration between Finnish and international universities/ organizations in research and educational projects employing CSC’s computing infrastructure, computing resources, storage facilities, etc. Such opportunity is realised in a form of High-Performance-Computing (HPC) projects.
In particular, activities on the PEEX Modelling [Read more]
CLUVEX – Preparatory steps for Virtual Exchanges and education of Climate Messengers
The Erasmus+ CLUVEX project (https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex) started in July of 2023, is making now a series of preparatory steps for Virtual Exchanges (VE) or so-called the VE Weeks for students from the CLUVEX Partners’ Universities (Yerevan State University, Armenia; Odessa State Environmental University and Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine; University of [Read more]
AASCO sessions at ASSW
Arena for the gap analysis of the existing Arctic Science Co-Operations (AASCO) sessions at the
Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW) March 2024, Edinburgh, UK, on Sat 23rd and Sun 24th March
The goal of the AASCO sessions at ASSW is to strengthen connections among existing research communities interested in feedback research. Additionally, [Read more]
EnvSys 2024 – call for paper
EnvSys organizing committee invites to submit a paper to the 2nd International Workshop on Advances in Environmental Sensing Systems for Smart Cities (EnvSys 2024), which will take place in conjunction with ACM MobiSys 2024 on 7th June, Tokyo, Japan.
The workshop is planned to provide insightful discussions, networking opportunities, and collaborative endeavors. Thus, we cordially invite [Read more]
ACTRIS training course on Atmospheric observations of aerosol, clouds and reactive trace gases
The course “Atmospheric observations of aerosols, clouds and reactive trace gases” (ATM-319) is organized by the Master’s programme in Atmospheric Sciences at University of Helsinki, within the framework of the ACTRIS research infrastructure.
The course will be given as intensive course on 20.-24.5.2024 in hybrid format (Helsinki/online).
The course is intended to Master students, Doctoral researchers and [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with Yarmouk University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Yarmouk University, Jordan. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
PEEX research and educational results at EGU2024
A series of presentations from the PEEX collaborating Partners will be delivered during the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly 2024 (https://www.egu24.eu; 14-19 Apr 2024, Vienna, Austria).
The European Erasmus+ CLUVEX educational project (https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex; 1 Jul 2023 – 30 Jun 2026) will be presented at the session EOS2.1 “Open session on Teaching [Read more]
PEEX session at upcoming 14th Air Quality Conference
The PEEX special session on “Contribution on air quality in Mega and Gigacities” will be held during the 14th International Conference on Air Quality (https://www.helsinki.fi/en/conferences/air-quality-2024; Helsinki, Finland, 13-17 May 2024). The Conference (organized and hosted by the University of Helsinki and Finnish Meteorological Institute) is for researchers and experts in the field [Read more]
PEEX seminar at ACCC Impact Week – Welcome to new PEEX Partners
The PEEX Program collaborators’ online meeting as seminar will take place on 11 April 2024 during the 3rd ACCC (The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center; https://www.acccflagship.fi) Impact Week (8-12 Apr 2024, Sofia Cultural Center, Vuosaari, Helsinki, Finland; see detailed agenda at https://www.acccflagship.fi/index.php/3rd-accc-impact-week-2024).
The PEEX seminar aims are: (i) to introduce the research [Read more]
ClimEd project Re-Kick-Off-Meeting
The re-kick-off-meeting of the Erasmus+ ClimEd project on “Multilevel Local, Nation- and Regionwide Education and Training in Climate Services, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation” (http://climed.network) took place online on 8th February 2024. In total, 25 participants from different European (Estonia, Finland, Spain) and Ukrainian Universities attended this meeting.
The ClimEd project is aimed at development [Read more]
GripS for Young Scientists
Nanjing University welcomes international students to joint our vibrant, diverse community and distinguished faculty in 2024 summer Global Research Immersion Program for Young Scientists (GripS), a funded summer research program that spans four to eight weeks.
From June to August, GripS students will have the unique opportunity to actively engage in a robust research [Read more]
AASCO sessions at ASSW
INVITATION to the PEEX network: we welcome participants of the Arctic Science Summit Week (ASSW, 21 March 2024 – 29 March 2024, Edinburgh, UK) to the AASCO (Arena for the gap analysis of the existing Arctic Science Co-Operations) Arctic Science Collaborations Session(s) taking place on Sat 23rd at 11:00-12:30, UK time and [Read more]
PEEX Newsletter issue 26
Our latest PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter is out! In this issue, find news on recent Arctic research publications, educational platforms, coming events and research visits among the PEEX community. Read it here.
Atmosphere Climate Competence Center (ACCC) will host a COP28 event and panel discussion on Sat 9.Dec at 14-15 Dubai time. The PEEX program is one of the Impact Task(s) of the ACCC flagship. More information and the livestream link available from https://www.acccflagship.fi/index.php/cop28-dubai-accc-event/.
INAR Winter School 2024
University of Helsinki, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), is organizing the
intensive course “Advanced analysis of atmosphere-surface interactions and feedbacks” (University
of Helsinki course code ATMDP-003; 5 ECTS credits) to be held in Hyytiälä, Finland, on 4th–15th
The main theme of the course is analysis of SMEAR II long-term datasets of atmospheric
and ecosystem [Read more]
Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award call open
Call open: Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award Nominations are accepted 01 December 2023 – 29 February.
Sergej Zilitinkevich was an extraordinarily creative scientist. His main research area was boundary layer dynamics and turbulence. He utilized his knowledge widely in different scientific disciplines – read more about Sergej Zilitinkevich. Call open – read more: [Read more]
ACCC-FASN Science Conference
HiMAC 2023
HiMAC 2023 workshop will be held in Urumqi, China from 29th Nov. to 2nd Dec. 2023
Hanna Lappalainen (PEEX / University of Helsinki) will give a talk on AASCO project. AASCO – Arctic Science collaboration project is funded by Prince Albert Foundation for 2024-2025. AASCO is focused on the Arctic land – atmosphere -ocean [Read more]
Markku Kulmala was a key invited speaker at CWCC
The 1st International Conference on Chemical Weather and Chemical Climate (CWCC), jointly hosted by WMO, MAP-AQ, IRDR and Fudan University was organized in Shanghai, China during 16-20 October: https://cwcc2023.irdrinternational.org/en/
The conference had a great success and expected to be continuing. About 400 participants from different continents joined it.
Professor Markku Kulmala was one of [Read more]
URSA MAJOR YSS and student’s group work in natural, turbulence, satellite, and social lines
Photo of YSS participants – credit Arctic Frontiers
The Young Scientist School (YSS) URSA MAJOR 2023 took place during 31 October – 3 November 2023 in a hybrid mode in Tromsø (Sommarøy Arctic Hotel Tromsø), Norway. The YSS introduced a young generation of researchers to special topics in urban societal, environmental, and computational [Read more]
CLUVEX hybrid kick-off-meeting in Helsinki
The hybrid kick-off-meeting of the EC Erasmus+ project CLUVEX (CLimate University for Virtual EXchanges; 1 Jul 2023 – 30 Jun 2023; https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex) took place in Helsinki, Finland during 30-31 October 2023. Almost 30 persons from the CLUVEX Partners/Teams, Expert and Student Advisory Boards attended the event, including 15 attendees onsite/ face-to-face.
The main [Read more]
2nd Science Meeting of Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS Project
The 2nd Science Meeting of the EC Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS project (https://riurbans.eu) took place in a hybrid mode (onsite/online) during 18-19 October 2023 in Delft, The Netherlands. This event attended more than 120 participants including 60 persons onsite. The Science Meeting targeted to demonstrate on how Service Tools (STs) from atmospheric Research Infrastructures (RIs) [Read more]
Art & science collaboration in times of the climate crisis
Climate University organized the “Art & science collaboration in times of the climate crisis” event on 6.11 at the Helsinki Think Corner.
Think Corner / Tiedekulma
Monday 6.11.2023 at 13–15
Event in Facebook: https://fb.me/e/3375rsu65
This two-hour event is an interdisciplinary inquiry into the possibilities of art & science collaboration in times of the ongoing climate crisis. What [Read more]
PEEX signed MoU with UiT The Arctic University of Norway
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the UiT The Arctic University of Norway, Faculty of Science and Thechnology.
The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
Our latest PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter is out! In this issue, find news on recent Arctic research publications, educational platforms, coming events and research visits among the PEEX community. Read it here.
Young Scientist School on Socio-Environmental Interactions in Sustainable Smart Cities
The Young Scientist School (YSS) URSA MAJOR 2023 will introduce a young generation of researchers to special topics in urban societal, environmental, and computational sciences. URSA-MAJOR: “Urban Sustainability in Action Multi-disciplinary Approach through Jointly Organised Research Schools” is a research project. The focus is set on digital communications, massive environmental monitoring, and integrated [Read more]
Brazilian research team visited the ACCC on 21.Sep.
A team of researchers from two Brazilian universities: Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (UFJF) and Universidade Federal de Goias (UFG), visited the ACCC on September 21st. The researchers we interested to explore collaboration opportunities regarding reducing emissions from aviation.
The reason for their interest is the expected significant growth in air travel in [Read more]
2nd Annual Meeting of the H2020 CRiceS project
The 2nd Annual Meeting of the Horizon-2020 CRiceS project took place during 11-15 September 2023 in hybrid (both onsite and online) in Grenoble, France. More than 100 onsite and online participants from different organizations attended the meeting. The participants, attending the annual meeting onsite, met and introduced at an icebreaking party on Monday, [Read more]
ACCC visited EU Parlament in Brussels on 18-19 September
The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) recently visited the European Parliament in Brussels on September 18th and 19th, 2023. This visit was hosted by Member of the European Parliament (MEP) Heidi Hautala. The delegation from ACCC consisted of 20 researchers from the University of Helsinki, the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Tampere University, and [Read more]
DBAR Helsinki-CoE at the 7th DBAR Conference
The International Digital Belt and Road Conference is the annual academic to discuss ideas on improving scientific partnerships and networking towards collaborative and collective efforts for global and regional sustainable development. PEEX / INAR at the University of Helsinki is one of the co-organizers.
The DBAR Helsinki-CoE will report the 2023 highlights at The [Read more]
Sue Grimmond and Larry Mahrt receive the Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2023
The Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award Nomination Committee is pleased to announce that the 2023 Award is awarded to two candidates:
Professor Christine Susan Betham Grimmond, Dept. Meteorology, School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences (SMPCS), University of Reading, Reading RG6 6ET
Professor Emeritus, Larry Mahrt, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon State, University, Corvallis, [Read more]
Online Kick-Off-Meeting of the CLUVEX project
On 30 August 2023, the initial kick-off-meeting of the Erasmus+ CLUVEX (CLimate University for Virtual Exchange; 1 Jul 2023 – 30 Jun 2026; https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/cluvex) project #101111959 took place online. Participants (in total, 21 persons) from 5 Universities (University of Helsinki, UH, Finland; University of Copenhagen, UCPH, Denmark; Yerevan State University, YSU, Armenia; Odessa [Read more]
INAR became a member of the EU SciDip Alliance
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) at the University of Helsinki is a member of the European Union Science Diplomacy Alliance (https://www.science-diplomacy.eu/) and signed the Letter of Intent (LoI) in 2022. The EU SciDip Alliance aims to further develop, maintain, and organise joint research projects, policy advice, capacity building and training [Read more]
3rd Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Impact Week
When: April 8-12, 2024
Where: Cultural Center Sofia, Vuosaari, Helsinki, FI
The Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Flagship program welcomes collaborators across disciplines and sectors to join our 3rd Impact Week event on April 8-12, 2024 in Helsinki. We invite researchers and experts, businesses, civil society organizations, climate policy makers, educational professionals, research infrastructure [Read more]
Hyytiälä Autumn school 2023
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR, University of Helsinki, will organize Autumn School “Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks” on 9.-20.10.2023.
This 5 ECTS course is aimed for Master’s students in atmospheric, biospheric and Earth system sciences. Also Doctoral researchers can apply. The course is organized at Hyytiälä forestry field station in [Read more]
Strengthening collaboration of Jordan with PEEX
On 22 June 2023 (12-14 pm) the online workshop/brainstorming took place towards strengthening a collaboration between research groups at the School of Science, University of Jordan (UoJ) and the PEEX programme, which is coordinated by the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR, Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki, UHel). In total [Read more]
PEEX signed MoU with Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture (KNUCA), Ukraine. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
Call for paper in DBAR Special Issue
Call for paper announced in the DBAR Special Issue, titled “Digital Belt and Road towards Global Development: New Opportunities and Challenges”. The DBAR Special Issue is being published to commemorate the 10th anniversary of Belt and Road Initiative in 2023, in collaboration with the International Journal of Digital Earth (IJDE) and will be [Read more]
PEEX signed MoU with Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Bila Tserkva National Agrarian University (BTNAU), Ukraine. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
The 1st International Conference on Chemical Weather and Chemical Climate (CWCC)
The First International Conference on Chemical Weather and Chemical Climate (CWCC) will be held in Shanghai, China, from 16 to 20 October, 2023.
The conference focuses on Science, Risks, Impacts, Health, and Governance Associated with Multi-scale Climate and Environmental Perturbations, which are highly relevant to achieving carbon neutrality, social and economic sustainability, and planetary [Read more]
DBAR 2023
7th Digital Belt and Road Conference (DBAR 2023) will be held in Beijing, China from 4-6 September 2023.
The year of 2023 marks the 10th year for the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), and the mid-point of the implementation of 2030 Agenda. DBAR 2023 will therefore seek to vitalize new opportunities, interpret the challenges, [Read more]
HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco visited Värriö Research Station on 6 June 2023
In figure in front, from left; Olivier Wenden, Hanna Lappalainen, Mikko Sipilä, HSH Prince Albert, Erkki Parkkinen, Bernard Fautrier together with station staff, Riikka Karppinen and Jaanä Bäck.
The University of Helsinki (UH) and Salla Municipality invited HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco to visit the Station for Measuring Ecosystem and Atmosphere Relations [Read more]
Sue Grimmond and Larry Mahrt receive the Zilitinkevich Memorial Award 2023
The Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award Nomination Committee is pleased to announce that the 2023 Award is awarded to two candidates: Professor Christine Susan Betham Grimmond, Dept. Meteorology, School of Mathematical, Physical and Computational Sciences (SMPCS), University of Reading, Reading RG6 6ET and: Professor Emeritus, Larry Mahrt, College of Oceanic and Atmospheric Sciences, Oregon [Read more]
YSS School URSA MAJOR 2023: Socio-environmental interactions in sustainable smart cities
The Young Scientist School (YSS) URSA MAJOR 2023 will introduce a young generation of researchers to special topics in urban societal, environmental, and computational sciences. The focus is set on digital communications, massive environmental monitoring, and integrated urban system modeling to support sustainable development pathways in smart cities. Participants will learn about the [Read more]
PEEX signed new MoU with University of Latvia
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the University of Latvia. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
Toward Global Observatory workshop on 8-10 May 2023 at the SMEAR II in Hyytiälä
Word Meteorological Organization (WMO) and Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) in collaboration with the local host Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), University of Helsinki organized a “Towards Global Earth Observatory workshop” on 8 – 10 May 2023 at the Stations Measuring Ecosystem and Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) II station in [Read more]
PEEX community contribution to EGU2023
This year, the European Geoscience Union (EGU) General Assembly took place during 23-28 April 2023 in a hybrid mode (https://www.egu23.eu). The EGU-2023 attended onsite (in Vienna, Austria) more than 15450 persons and online about 3380 joined online from more than 100 countries. In total, about 16360 oral and poster presentations were [Read more]
PEEX signed MoU with Chernivtsi National University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Chernivtsi National University, Ukraine. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
CLUVEX got funding
A new three year project titled “Climate University for Virtual Exchanges (CLUVEX)” has got a funding decision from the Erasmus+ Programme (ERASMUS+), The project aim is to bridge students from European and the Neighbourhood East universities and to engage them with climate competences e.g. ideas of adaptation and mitigation to climate change and [Read more]
Homeless data portal – first online service developed in ATMO-ACCESS
The first online service developed in the ATMO-ACCESS (Sustainable Access to Atmospheric Research Facilities) project has been launched.
The Homeless data portal is set up to serve scientists producing atmospheric measurements resulting from research campaigns and trans-national access activities that are normally not included in any other data management system and activity.
Making data [Read more]
Modern Problems of Hydrometeorology and Geoecology – International Roundtable
On 17 March 2023, the research seminar on “Modern Problems of Hydrometeorology and Geoecology“ with round table discussions took place in a hybrid mode (Almaty, the Republic of Kazakhstan). The event was hosted by the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU), Faculty of Geography and Nature Management, Department of Meteorology and Hydrology. Participants (both [Read more]
1st International Workshop on Advances in environmental sensing systems for smart cities
EnvSys organizing committee invites you to submit a paper to EnvSys 2023: 1st International Workshop on Advances in environmental sensing systems for smart cities https://blogs.helsinki.fi/envsys-2023/. This workshop aims to publish new research on the use of sensors and Internet technologies for environmental monitoring for smart cities.
The scope of the workshop also includes emerging [Read more]
ACTRIS online training course on Atmospheric observations of aerosols, clouds and reactive trace gases
The training school is an introductory course focusing on the variables and measurement techniques relevant to ACTRIS. It will take place online during 8-15 May 2023.
ACTRIS is a pan-European research infrastructure producing high-quality data and information on short-lived atmospheric constituents (aerosols, clouds and reactive trace gases) and on the processes leading to the [Read more]
Summer School on biosphere-atmosphere modelling
Intensive summer school on biosphere-atmosphere modelling will be held on 5-16 Jun 2023 in Lahti, Finland.
Are you interested to learn how to create a biosphere-atmosphere model and/or tired of running existing models without a detailed understanding what is going on inside the code?
In this summer course you will create your own one-dimensional chemistry [Read more]
New Boundary-Layer Meteorology paper published
Zilitinkevich special issue paper “Aerosols, Clusters, Greenhouse Gases, Trace Gases and Boundary-Layer Dynamics: on Feedbacks and Interactions” is published and can be found at:
PEEX signed MoU with Yerevan State University
The new Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Yerevan State University, Armenia. The MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of the PEEX program in Pan-Eurasia and China regions.
DBAR co-sponsored the International Frontier Science Forum
On 2nd of December 2022 the International Frontier Science Forum was successfully held in Tengchong County, Yunnan Province. The forum was organized by China Association for Science and Technology (CAST) and People’s Government of Yunnan Province, hosted by China Committee of International Science Council (ISC-CHINA). The Digital Belt and Road Program (DBAR) and [Read more]
Winter school on Arctic amplification
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) together with the German (AC)3 project (https://www.ac3-tr.de/) are organizing a Winter school on Arctic amplification – the role of clouds (in feedback mechanisms) in Hyytiälä on 12 – 18 March 2023. The school is intended for PhD students and post-docs who are interested the role [Read more]
INAR Winter School on Advanced Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR, University of Helsinki will organize Winter School “Advanced Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks” on 27.2.-10.3.2023.
This 5 ECTS course is aimed for PhD students in atmospheric, biospheric and Earth system sciences. Also advanced Master’s level students can apply. The course is organized at Hyytiälä forestry [Read more]
ACCC monthly online seminars
The latest ACCC monthly online seminars:
7 Dec 2022: Research Professor Antti Arola (Finnish Meteorological Institute) with the title: Some latest FMI activities in ACCC using satellite data.
9 Nov 2022: Mikko Juhani Kuusela (Professor of Practice, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Helsinki) with the title: Insurance – What it is and how [Read more]
Sergej Zilitinkevich Award 2023 – call for nominations
Call for nominations the Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award is open from 1st December 2022 to 28th February 2023. The award is establish by World Meteorological Organization (WMO), European Meteorological Society (EMS), Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC), Institute for Atmospheric and Earth system Research [Read more]
ACCC Director Markku Kulmala elected as TWAS council member
ACCC Director, Academician Markku Kulmala has been elected as council member of The World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for 2023-2026. TWAS, founded in 1983, is a network working to advancement of science in the developing countries. The council is elected by members every four years and it is responsible for supervising all [Read more]
Article on permafrost published in Arctic Yearbook 2022
A new article on “Permafrost Thaw and Adapting to its Multiple Effects in the Arctic» by Meinander et al. is published online in the Arctic Yearbook 2022. The article discusses the approaches used in adaptation to permafrost degradation from technological solutions to institutional and behavioural change. The findings addresses that in-depth understanding of [Read more]
ACCC and Finnish Atmospheric Science Network Conference
Acad. Markku Kulmala opened the 2nd Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Science Conference, 21-22 November 2022, in Tampere. PEEX and GlobalSMEAR /Global Earth Observatory are the parts of the Finnish Flagship.
Finnish Flagship projects funded by the Academy of Finland are aimed at high-quality research and increasing the economic and societal impact emerging [Read more]
Aerosolitutkimussäätiö jakaa vuoden 2022 palkinnot 21.11 Tampereella
Aerosolitutkimussäätiö jakaa vuoden 2022 palkinnot 21.11 Tampereella. Aerosolitutkimussäätiön tunnustuspalkinto Professori Tuukka Petäjälle
ja Aerosolitutkimussäätiön nuoren tutkijan palkinto Panu Karjalaiselle
EU R&I Days: Finland & Asian collaboration
ACCC (the Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center) was introduced in the European Research & Innovation Days ASEAN (Association of Southeast Asian Nations) 2022 event on 10th November 2022. ACCC is one of the Finnish flagship funded by the Academy of Finland.
The ASEAN 2022 event focused on the dual transition to green and digital technologies in [Read more]
RI-URBANS: Summary of the 1st Science Meeting
The Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS (Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS; https://riurbans.eu; Oct 2021 – Sep 2025) project 1st Science Meeting took place in a hybrid format during 19-20 October 2022 (Barcelona, Spain). 150 participants attended (onsite 84 and online 66) the event from Belgium, Finland, France, [Read more]
EGU 2023 Call for abstract: AS4.1 session on climate change, air quality in Arctic/high latitudes/China
The EGU General Assembly 2023 (https://www.egu23.eu/) will take place in Vienna, Austria / Online on 23–28 April 2023. We invite you to submit the abstract to SESSION AS4 .1 Observation, Modelling and Assessment in the Arctic-Boreal Domain – Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX) in collaboration with AASCO – DBAR/CBAS initiatives
[Read more]
MODEST Partners visit to the University of Helsinki and Hyytiälä station
Journalists visited SMEAR-III station in Helsinki
The 2022 Millenium Technology Prize was delivered to Prof. Martin Green at a ceremony in Helsinki on October 25, 2022. A group of journalists, participating in the Millenium Prize Ceremony, also visited SMEAR-III Station in Helsinki and INAR lab at the Kumpula Campus.
Journalist from Iceland, India, South Africa and [Read more]
PEEX session at EGU-2022 – Abstract Submission
The PEEX session “Observation, Modelling and Assessment in the Arctic-Boreal Domain – Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX) in collaboration with AASCO – DBAR/CBAS initiatives“ (https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU23/session/46812) will take place during the General Assembly of the EGU-2023 (European Geosciences Union; https://www.egu23.eu, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April 2023).
See initial announcement at https://peexhq.home.blog/2022/10/10/peex-session-at-egu2023
Important deadlines:
1 Nov 2022 – Start of call-for-abstracts [Read more]
Horizon Europe FOCI project – summary of kick-off-meeting
The kick-off-meeting of the Horizon Europe FOCI project “Non-CO2 Forcers and their Climate, Weather, Air Quality and Health Impacts” (Sep 2022 – Aug 2026) took place in a hybrid mode during 19-21 Sep 2022 (Prague, Czech Republic). The project is coordinated by Prof. Tomas Halenka (Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) and Prof. Ranjeet [Read more]
Upcoming First Science Meeting of the RI-URBANS Project
The Horizon-2020 RI-URBANS (Research Infrastructures Services Reinforcing Air Quality Monitoring Capacities in European Urban & Industrial AreaS; https://riurbans.eu; Oct 2021 – Sep 2025) project 1st Science Meeting will take place in a hybrid format (face-to-face & online) during 19-20 October 2022 (Barcelona, Spain).
The project focus is to demonstrate how service tools from atmospheric [Read more]
PEEX Session at EGU2023
Future Earth General Assembly 2022
FutureEarth General Assembly took place on 21-23 September in Paris and gathered over 200 participants to discuss the international research collaboration facing the challenge of the coming decade. The Future Earth Mission is “ to advice research in support of transformations to global sustainability”. Prof. Kristie Ebi gave a plenary talk on [Read more]
Svalbard-Greenland cooperation workshop “SVALGREEN” on 5-6 October 2022 in Copenhagen
The SVALGREEN workshop was organized by SIOS and GIOS. The WS discussed the scientific potential that exists across in the largest climatic gradient in the northernmost part of the Nordic region, from warm Svalbard to cold Northeast Greenland. “Here rapid climate change is taking place in combination with new opportunities for increased Nordic [Read more]
Big Earth Data special issue: “A high quality, environmental information & analysis for the Arctic – boreal region”
The major uncertainties are related to in Earth system science and understanding the land – atmosphere interactions and feedbacks in the boreal forests of Arctic Regions and High Mountain Asia (HMA), e.g., urban areas and sustainable development in the Arctic and Northern Eurasian. The questions of scientific interest include: climate change, air quality, [Read more]
DBAR towards Digital Sustainable Future
The 6th Digital Belt and Road Conference (DBAR 2022) was held on the 7th to 9th of September 2022 in parallel with the 2022 International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (FBAS 2022) from the 6th to 8th September 2022. The joint conferences were hosted by the Chinese Academy of [Read more]
The CLIMADEMY project, one of the first Erasmus+ Teacher Academies, have been launched to support teachers with learning opportunities and to develop teacher’s education.
The CLIMAte change teachers’ acaDEMY (CLIMADEMY) aims to create a European network to offer a comprehensive program where teachers will interact and learn how to educate the next generation of [Read more]
Regional issues of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Nature Management
The international scientific conference on “Regional Issues of Environmental Protection and Sustainable Nature Management” took place in a hybrid mode during 21-22 September 2022 at the Odessa State Environmental University (OSENU, Ukraine, the PEEX collaborator).
The conference topics included: 1. Scientific and methodological aspects of the system analysis for environment quality of specific regions; [Read more]
1st Annual Meeting of the CRiceS Project
The 1st Annual Meeting of the Horizon-2020 project “Climate Relevant interactions and feedbacks: the key role of sea ice and Snow in the polar and global climate system” (CRiceS; 2021-2025; https://www.crices-h2020.eu) took place online during 19-20 September 2022.
The meeting started with welcome words and highlights from the coordinators Profs. Risto Makkonen and Jennie [Read more]
Overview on “Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high-latitude dust sours” published
Note the just published overview on “Newly identified climatically and environmentally significant high-latitude dust sources”. Read more: https://doi.org/10.5194/acp-22-11889-2022
Meinander, O., Dagsson-Waldhauserova, P., Amosov, P., Aseyeva, E., Atkins, C., Baklanov, A., Baldo, C., Barr, S. L., Barzycka, B., Benning, L. G., Cvetkovic, B., Enchilik, P., Frolov, D., Gassó, S., Kandler, K., Kasimov, N., [Read more]
Future Earth European National Committees meeting
Daniela Jacob and Sebastian Sonntag (DNK) welcomed European Future National Committees to the meeting on 14 September in Hamburg, to discuss future collaboration between national committees. At the moment there is no joint activities among European networks. National Committee Finland, the “Future Earth Suomi” (https://futureearthsuomi.fi/), chaired by INAR University of Helsinki, Acad. Markku [Read more]
The MODEST International Doctoral School
The MODEST (Modernization of Doctoral Education in Science and Improvement of Teaching Methodologies) project funded within the frames of the ERASMUS+ invites doctoral students to participate in an International Doctoral school that will be organized in Yerevan on October 3 – 6, 2022 in order to provide students with the knowledge and skills [Read more]
Autumn School: Analysis of Aerosols, Air Pollution and their Sources in the Eastern Mediterranean
The 1st Autumn school on “Analysis of aerosols, air pollution and their sources in the Eastern Mediterranean” will take place on 31 October – 11 November 2022 in Nicosia, Cyprus. Autumn School is organized by the Climate and Atmosphere Research Center (CARE-C) and the Graduate School of The Cyprus Institute. The course is [Read more]
2022 International Forum on Big Data for SDGs (FBAS 2022) in Beijing
Scientific and technological innovations are important tools to support the implementation of sustainable development goals. Big data, as an important content of digital technology, plays a crucial role in supporting the realization of Sustainable Development Goals. In order to promote the sharing of methods, technologies and cases of big data and digital technology [Read more]
Autumn 2022 School on Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks
Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR, University of Helsinki, will organize Autumn School “Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions and Feedbacks” on October 10–21, 2022.
This 5 ECTS course is aimed primarily at Master level but also PhD students in atmospheric, biospheric and Earth system sciences. It will be held at Hyytiälä forestry field [Read more]
Towards coherent and coordinated atmospheric observation systems – PEEX / Global Observatory online meeting
The PEEX / Global Observatory online meeting “Towards coherent and coordinated atmospheric observation systems” took place on 7 June 2022. About 30 participants attend the event from different universities/ research institutions/ private companies (from Austria, Belgium, Finland, China, Greece, Norway, Switzerland, Ukraine), including the European Commission RTD (Belgium), international organization such as World [Read more]
CBAS session at SciDataCon 2022
International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) organised the session “Big Earth Data in Support of the Sustainable Development Goals” on 22 June 22 in a frame of SciDataCon 2022, a part of International Data Week 2022, to be held virtually and in Seoul, Republic of Korea. [Read more]
PEEX session at EGU22 (AS4.4)
The PEEX session on “Observation, Modelling and Assessment in the Arctic-Boreal Domain” at the EGU-2022 General Assembly (https://www.egu22.eu; 23-27 May 2022; Vienna, Austria) took place in a combined mode (onsite/online) on 25 May 2022. The session was co-organized with the Digital Belt and Road Program (DBAR). In total 57 different [Read more]
UArctic Thematic Networks and UArctic Institutes Leadership Team Meeting University of St Andrews, Scotland, 13 May 2022
UArctic Thematic Networks in the Arctic held a meeting in St. Andrews, Scotland in May. Also PEEX, the Arctic-Boreal Hub – thematic network was represented in this meeting. The list of participated thematic networks describes the wide range of topics, which U-Arctic is covering: Herbivory, Arctic in Asia and Asia, Telecommunications and Networking, [Read more]
EU Polar Cluster Workshop – Russia Developments
The EU Polar Cluster Workshop on Russia Developments took place online on 6 May 2022 with more than 30 participants from different research organizations/ Universities. The meeting aimed at discussions on how the current situation concerning Russia has impacted EU Polar Cluster projects, how to create risk assessments for projects taking into consideration [Read more]
Air-CAS – INAR Online Data Workshop
The Online Data Workshop on “Development to the In-situ Component by the Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) and Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Programmes” took place on 4 May 2022 between Finnish and Chinese colleagues. In total 17 researchers attended the workshop from the University of Helsinki, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), [Read more]
INTAROS summary
The EU Horizon-2020 project on “Integrated Arctic Observation System (INTAROS; https://intaros.nersc.no) has published summary info-sheets covering integrated Arctic Observation System (iAOS), data catalogue, survey; land-, ocean-, and satellite-based observations; community-based monitoring; modelling and use of observations. The PEEX contribution is also included.
Read more: https://intaros.nersc.no/content/info-sheets-project-results
Field course in Micrometeorology and Hydrology
The field course on “Micrometeorology and Hydrology” will take place at the Hyytiälä Forestry Station (Finland) during 29 Aug – 2 Sep 2022. This field course covers cover several aspects related to methods for measuring biosphere-atmosphere exchange of energy and gases (eddy covariance and chamber method), methods for hydrological measurements in lakes as [Read more]
Acad. Markku Kulmala will give a talk at the BRICS Forum
International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) co-organizes the BRICS Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development in support of the 14th BRICS Summit on April 26 – 27, 2022. CBAS is one of the main PEEX collaborators.
The Forum will focus on five themes including [Read more]
Big Earth Data Center – Data Sharing and Service Portal
The “Big Earth Data Center” was established on a basis of the Big Earth Data Science Engineering Project (CASEarth; https://sdg.casearth.cn/en), and it is administered by the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS; http://www.cbas.ac.cn/en) of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS). The CBAS aims to harnesses Big [Read more]
New PEEX publication
PEEX paper titled “Overview: Recent advances in the understanding of the northern Eurasian environments and of the urban air quality in China – a Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) programme perspective” just published in ACP. Read more: https://acp.copernicus.org/articles/22/4413/2022/acp-22-4413-2022.html
Summer School in Hyytiälä
Summer Course on “Formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols” will be organized on 8-19 August, 2022 at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field station in Southern Finland. The application period for preliminary registration ends on 2nd of May. Apply here: https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/117450/lomake.html. Read more in Course announcement (pdf).
PEEX and Digital Belt and Road Programmes’ collaboration meeting
The Online Meeting of the Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) and Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) programmes on “Coordinated, comprehensive, long-term in situ component of land-atmosphere measurements for complementing the space borne Earth Observation” took place on 31 March 2022 between colleagues from the International Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) / [Read more]
New iCUPE article
New article on “Arctic observations and sustainable development goals – Contributions and examples from ERA-PLANET iCUPE data” published in Environmental Science & Policy.
Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments (iCUPE) is the project coordinated by INAR University of Helsinki.
Read the article
Scientific Symposium: “The Cold Is Getting Hot: from Arctic to Antarctic”
The Scientific Symposium “The Cold is Getting Hot: From Arctic to Antarctic” was organized in Monaco on 24-25.Feb.2022. The symposium gathered together scientist interested in the Arctic and Antarctic research and future research questions. The representatives of the convening partners of the symposium and the new initiative (Oceanographic Institute, Prince Albert I of Monaco [Read more]
2nd Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award – CALL FOR NOMINATIONS
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS the 2nd Sergej Zilitinkevich Memorial Award,
open 14th February – 16th May 2022.
The award is an international award that will be delivered annually to a creative scientist who has made breakthroughs in “Boundary layer studies in Atmosphere and Ocean sciences”
Sergej Zilitinkevich was an extraordinarily creative scientist. His main research area was [Read more]
PEEX temporarily pausing institutional level collaboration with Russia and Belarus
1st Online MODEST Doctoral School ”EffectiVe Researcher: Formula for Successful ScientifIc Career” (EVRICA)
The Erasmus+ MODEST project First Online Doctoral School ”EffectiVe Researcher: formula for successful scientifIc CAreer” (EVRICA) will take place on 14-28 March 2022. The “EVRIСA” school will focus on developing doctoral students’ transferable skills required for a sustainable professional career in science and technology. The school will start from [Read more]
ClimEd Training: Developing Learning Courses in Climate Services Considering Needs of Different Users
The Erasmus+ ClimEd project is arranging the 4th training (face-to-face/ onsite, 30 May – 3 Jun 2022, Vila-Seca, Tarragona, Spain) on Developing Learning Courses in Climate Services considering needs of different users. The ClimEd Trainings are focused on training the faculty staff at the ClimEd partner institutions in advanced educational and [Read more]
Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 – New programme for new cooperation ideas and new Calls for Small and Core projects
The Interreg Baltic Sea Region 2021-2027 Programme (see/ download summary) offers “funding to public and private players around the Baltic Sea who want to shape the region with their smart ideas”. The programme has four Priorities: (1) Innovative societies, (2) Water-smart societies, (3) Climate-neutral societies, and (4) Cooperation governance.
See more details at: https://interreg-baltic.eu/get-funding/programme-2021-2027/
Small [Read more]
FutureEarth: Call fo Topics
The CALL FOR TOPICS for this year’s 10 New Insights in Climate Science is now open (deadline February 20, 2022, 00:00 CET). This is an opportunity to influence the content of the topics to be covered in this year’s edition. We welcome and encourage all researchers working on climate change related topics (both [Read more]
PEEX-FRESReN kick-off-meeting
The online kick-off-meeting of the PEEX-FRESReN (Pan-Eursian Experiment – Finnish-Russian Earth Sciences Research Network) project took place on 13 January 2022. Representatives from 3 Finnish (coordinator – University of Helsinki, UHEL; University of Eastern Finland, UEF; and Tampere University Technology, TAU) and 3 Russian (Russian State Hydrometeorological University, RSHU; Saint-Petersburg State University, SPBU; and Moscow [Read more]
UArctic Congress 2022
The UArctic Congress 2022 takes place in Moscow, Russian Federation in October, 4 – 7 2022, hosted by Lomonosov Moscow State University. The UArctic Congress 2022 is a part of Russian’s chairmanship of the Arctic Council (2021-2023) with the cross-cutting priority “Responsible Governance for Sustainable Arctic” promoting collective approaches to the sustainable development of the Arctic, environmentally, socially, and economically [Read more]
Urban Climate and Air Quality Winter School (UCAWS-2022)
- Faculty of Geography, Lomonosov Moscow State University (MSU)
- Kola Science Center RAS (KSC RAS)
PEEX Special Session at EGU 2022: deadline for abstract submission is 12 January
Starting 2020, the PEEX special session on “Observation, Modelling and Assessment in the Arctic-Boreal Domain” is annually organized at the European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly. In 2022, the EGU (https://www.egu22.eu) to be held during 3-8 April in Vienna, Austria.
The session is linked to the Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX; http://www.atm.helsinki.fi/peex), a multi-disciplinary, [Read more]
1st ACTRIS Science Conference
The 1st ACTRIS Science Conference will take place virtually on May 11th-13th, 2022. Save the date!
The conference will be held in conjunction with the ACTRIS course on atmospheric observations and will be organised jointly by the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) at the University of Helsinki, Atmosphere and Climate Competence [Read more]
WMO Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes
Note the new
“WMO Atlas of Mortality and Economic Losses from Weather, Climate and Water Extremes” (1970–2019) (WMO-No. 1267) available:
Atmosphere Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Impact Week 7-10.Dec.2021
PEEX as an impact week co-organizer
Thank you for your participation in the ACCC ImpactWeek 7-10.Dec.2021. We had altogether 1412 participants from 37 countries in Europe, Asia, and North America, who followed our on-line event.
Daily highlights of the ACCC Impact Week:
- On Tuesday, 7th December 2021, Prof. Bert Holtslag received the first Sergej Zilitinkevich award [Read more]
MEGAPOLIS-2021 School in Memory of Prof. Sergej Zilitinkevich
The Young Scientist School (YSS) MEGAPOLIS-2021 (https://megapolis2021.ru) on “Multi-Scales and -Processes Integrated Modelling, Observations and Assessment for Environmental Applications” in Memory of Professor Sergej Zilitinkevich (1936-2021) took place online during 15 November – 3 December 2021. Sergej Zilitinkevich was one the key organizers of the School, promoting for research community, and especially, [Read more]
Professor Bert Holtslag – the 1st Sergej Zilitinkevich memorial award winner
The following organizations (in alphabetical order) Atmosphere and Climate Competence Center (ACCC), European Meteorological Society (EMS), Finnish Geophysical Society, Finnish Foundation for Aerosol Research, International Eurasian Academy of Sciences (IEAS), National network Institute for Atmospheric and Earth system research (INAR / Finland) and World Meteorological Organization (WMO) have named Professor Bert Holtslag, the [Read more]
Initiating PEEX Research and Education Collaboration with the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology
The PEEX research collaboration – University of Helsinki (UHEL), Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR) and the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT), Center for Environmental Monitoring (CEM) – online meeting/ seminar took place on 10 November 2021. The researchers (16) attended the meeting and delivered a series of presentations [Read more]
14th WMO Symposium on Education and Training
The Symposium on Education and Training (SYMET) is organized by the WMO Education and Training Office once every four years to assist the international community in meeting current meteorological and hydrological education and training challenges and those that are foreseen to arise over the next five to ten years.
This year, the theme [Read more]
Summary of the ClimEd 3rd Online Training on Digital Tools and Datasets for Climate Change Education
The ClimEd 3rd Online Training on “Digital Tools and Datasets for Climate Change Education” took place online during 26 October – 12 November 2021. The ClimEd project trainings are focused on training the faculty/ teaching/ research staff and postgraduates at the ClimEd partner institutions and collaborating organizations in advanced educational and information-and-communication technologies [Read more]
At Start of Journey – MEGAPOLIS-2021 Online Young Scientist School
On 15th November 2021, the online Young Scientist School (YSS) on “Multi–Scales and –Processes Integrated Modelling, Observations and Assessment for Environmental Applications” in the Memory of Sergej Zilitinkevich has been opened with a series of lectures. These included – the introduction into the PEEX programme and its research and educational activities, the Finnish [Read more]
New EU Arctic policy released: A stronger EU engagement for a peaceful, sustainable and prosperous Arctic
The recently released Joint Communication – to The European Parliament, The Council, The European Economic and Social Committee and The Committee of the Regions – states that the “climate change is the most comprehensive threat the Arctic is facing and has reached an unprecedented crisis point”. The Arctic States should take [Read more]
13th International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application
The Organizing Committee of the 13th International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application (Thessaloniki, Greece, 27 June – 1 July 2022; http://www.airqualityconference.org) welcomes to submit abstracts to the conference including special sessions on:
* Air pollution and health
* Sensors, crowd sourcing and numerical simulations for urban air quality
* Air pollution in [Read more]
Global and regional modelling for the Arctic and Arctic seas – contribution of the Russian Sister Project to the Horizon-2020 CRiceS
Online Young Scientist School MEGAPOLIS-2021
The online Young Scientist School (YSS) on “Multi–Scales and –Processes Integrated Modelling, Observations and Assessment for Environmental Applications” (15 November – 3 December 2021) will introduce young generation of researchers to special topics in atmospheric and environmental sciences, Earth system modelling approaches and applications (see announcement).
During the school, participants will learn about [Read more]
EGU-2022: PEEX Special Session on Observation, Modelling and Assessment in the Arctic-Boreal Domain
ACCC Impact Week leaflet with Program outline
The second edition of ACCC Impact Week 7-10.Dec.2021 with Program outline is published.
ACCC Impact Week brings together ACCC research partners and stakeholders to discuss and co-design science-based solutions for safe climate and clean air, and to increase interaction and collaboration across the ACCC Impact program on national and international [Read more]
CALL FOR NOMINATIONS Sergej Zilitinkevich memorial award, open 1st – 31st Oct.2021.
Sergej Ziltinkevich was an extraordinarily creative scientist. His main research area was boundary layer dynamics and turbulence. He utilized his knowledge widely in different scientific disciplines. The following organizations have jointly decided to establish the Sergej Zilitinkevich memorial award: Read more on Prof. Sergej Ziltinkevich’s career
World Meteorological Organization (WMO)
European Meteorological Society (EMS)
International [Read more]
Regional Atmospheric Transport due to Accidental Wildfires in the Chernobyl Zone
The project “Integrated Modelling for Assessment of Potential Pollution Regional Atmospheric Transport as Result of Accidental Wildfires” (IMA-WFires) has started its computations at the CSC (https://www.csc.fi/en) actively using the super-computing infrastructure and resources. It is implemented within the frameworks of the HPC individual grant of the HPC-Europa3 Transnational Access Programme.
The project [Read more]
Open Professor or Assistant/Associate professor position in atmospheric sciences and applied mathematics
The Faculty of Science, University of Helsinki and LUT School of Engineering Science invite applications for the position of
The professorship in atmospheric sciences and applied mathematics is a joint position of the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth system Research (INAR), Faculty of Science, University [Read more]
The article with overview on INAR’s work in Eastern Mediterranean and Middle East – Climate and Atmosphere Research project (EMME-CARE) was published in Open Access Government online magazine. There is also the save-the-date information about the the 2nd Climate Change Conference and pre-conference workshops from the 11th to 14th of October 2021 both in-person [Read more]
Building the Finnish-Russian Earth System Research Network (PEEX-FRESReN)
A new networking project PEEX-FRESReN (as a part of the Team Finland Knowledge programme) is giving an impulse for the Finnish – Russian collaboration in the Earth System Research. The project (to be started 1 Jan 2022) is linked to physical sciences with focus on atmospheric, hydrological, oceanological, and other disciplines. [Read more]
Calotte Academy 2021
Calotte Academy 2021
New and Emerging Trends of Arctic Governance, Geopolitics, Geoeconomics & Science
in Enontekiö, Inari, Kautokeino, Kirkenes, Neiden and Rovaniemi
15–21 November 2021
In spite, or because, of turbulent times of a global crisis, the related decline of international contacts, and uncertainties (in over-ride) due to the COVID-19 Pandemic in-person meetings are warmly welcome. Following [Read more]
Prof. Kulmala has been appointed as Deputy Director of CBAS
Academician, Prof. Markku Kulmala has been nominated as a Deputy Director at the International Research Center of Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals (CBAS) and has been approved by the Steering Committee constituted of representatives from Chinese Academy of Sciences and relevant ministries mandated to promote science and development, acknowledging his extensive experience [Read more]
Big data and UN’s sustainable development goals
At present, better understanding of various interactions and feedbacks between Earth surface and atmosphere is required to improve climate related predictions and mitigation plans. Foremost, if the global CO2 emissions continue increasing at the current rate, we will have, within 40 years, atmospheric CO2 concentration over 500 ppm (www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/ccgg/trends/). This value can be [Read more]
Helsinki and Nanjing Universities collaboration
The collaboration between University of Helsinki (UH) and Nanjing University (NJU) has already been well established for a quite a long time. In 2009 Professors Markku Kulmala and Pertti Hari visited Nanjing University and agreed to help in building a SMEAR-type comprehensive research station. The first measurements of aerosols and meteorological conditions were [Read more]
Join the Atmospheric and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Impact Week
The registration opened for the Atmospheric and Climate Competence Center (ACCC) Impact Week. The PEEX is one of the co-organizers of this event. The ACCC Impact Week brings together ACCC research partners and stakeholders to discuss and co-design science-based solutions for safe climate and clean air, and to increase interaction and collaboration on [Read more]
Russia’s first CARBON POLYGON: Potential for Collaboration with the PEEX
August 30, 2021 has marked the official opening of a CARBON POLYGON at the University of Tyumen’s (UTMN) Biological Station located on Lake Kuchak, Tyumen Region, Russia. The Aide to the President of the Russian Federation, Andrei Fursenko, and the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Valeriy Falkov, were in attendance. [Read more]
Climate Services: Science and Education
International Research-to-Practice Conference “Climate Services: Science and Education” will take place on September 22-24, 2021 at Odessa State Environmental University, Odessa, Ukraine. ClimEd project and PEEX collaboration will be introduced and discussed during the sessions.
Please download the Programme (pdf)
Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit 2021
PEEX is participating in discussions onSustainable Development Goals at the Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit 2021 “Recording and Reporting the SDGs” on 15.Sep.2021
The 2021 “Thessaloniki Sustainability Summit” aims to bring together scientists, local authorities, politicians, entrepreneurs, and other stakeholders to discuss the very significant issue of identifying, monitoring, recording, and [Read more]
1st International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals on 6-8 September 2021 Beijing, China
PEEX co-organizes the 1st International Forum on Big Data for Sustainable Development Goals on 6-8 September 2021 Beijing, China. The conference takes place as a Hybrid Conference, Online and On-site.
UArctic 20 Year Anniversary Seminar on Mon, Sep 06, 2021
PEEX / UArctic Arctic Boreal Thematic network congratulates UArctic.
Twenty years ago in June 2001, the University of the Arctic was formally launched in Rovaniemi, Finland. Celebrating the history and accomplishments of UArctic two decade history online seminar is the focus of the University of Lapland‘s official [Read more]
Hyytiälä Autumn School 2021, October 18-29: Analysis of Atmosphere-Surface Interactions
New Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Perm State University
PEEX has signed the new MoU with the Perm State University. MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of PEEX program in Europe, Russia and China. Information about the MoU signed Institutes is available at the PEEX website.
Pan-Eurasian EXperiment – Finnish-Russian Earth System Research Network” receives funding
The Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland has granted funding for a project called “Pan-Eurasian EXperiment – Finnish-Russian Earth System Research Network” (PEEX-FRESReN) via the Team Finland Knowledge Programme. The partners of a 2- year project (2021 – 2022) are: from Finland – INAR at the University of Helsinki, Tampere University of Technology, and [Read more]
International Research-on-Practice Conference “Climate Services: Science and Education”
Odessa State Environmental University invites to participate in the International Research-on-Practice Conference “Climate Services: Science and Education” to be held on 22-24 September 2021 in Odessa, Ukraine.
More information – in the First announcement (pdf).
Call for papers – Special Issue Dataset on cold regions
Find here the call for paper about the SI on cold regions, with the extension of submission deadline.
The templates:
Data paper templatе
Software paper template
For the further information you may contact: Yubao Qiu
PEEX at EGU2021
Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2021
Online and onsite in Brisbane, Australia
PEEX online meeting on 28 April
PEEX HQ is organising online meeting on 28 April 2021 starting at 12:30 of Helsinki time. The main aims of this meeting are: to introduce some latest research results on PEEX domain and to discuss the future activities and the next PEEX Science conference.
PEEX Online Meeting on 28 April 2021
Academician Nikolay Kasimov was elected as a new Foreign Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Academician Nikolay Kasimov, President of the Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University, was elected as a new Foreign Member of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Academician Kasimov, a Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is a PEEX Fellow and integral part of our [Read more]
With profound sadness we announce that our colleague Prof. Sergej Zilitinkevich passed away on February 15, 2021 after a short illness.
With his passing we have lost a leading scientist in atmospheric turbulence. He will always be remembered as an inspirational and enthusiastic scientist. He was scientifically active until very end, underlined by the fact that his most recent [Read more]
PEEX is co-organising the hackathon #HackTheArctic.
The hackathon event invites participants to use Arctic environmental datasets to design digital services for society or business. The 5 Challenge topics to address: Map the Arctic dataset coverage, design data-based solutions for policy-makers and/or citizens, explore Svalbard as a case study, and develop science visualiztion tools. Register by 12.March [Read more]
The Horizon 2020 iCUPE project aims to improve our understanding of pollution sources, environmental changes, and their impact on polar regions. Read more about iCUPE here. Dated 23.10.2020.
Our latest PEEX Arctic-Boreal Hub newsletter is out! In this issue, find news on recent Arctic research publications, educational platforms, and research visits among the PEEX community. Read it here.
The PEEX Special Session at EGU-2021 is open and displayed at:
https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2021/session/40486 . Save the date!
Finnish Ecumenical Council in collaboration with the University of Helsinki, INAR, The Finnish Innovation Fund Sitra (SITRA) and Cultural Centre Sofia organized Sofia Forum Suomi (Finland) – climate forum on 9.-10.Dec.2019. The Forum report was published on 21.9.2020 and contributes the IEAS Europe / PEEX science diplomacy activities. Read the report (only in Finnish). [Read more]
Academician Markku Kulmala was granted the Award of Recognition prize of 40,000 euros for his pioneering work, which has attracted international recognition and appreciation in the research field of atmospheric composition and climate change. Read more.
Academician Markku Kulmala – Opening talk for the PEEX Special Session at EGU2020 teleconference, 07.May 2020. Watch talk online.
Welcome to participate and follow PEEX at EGU:
PEEX tele-conference 07.May starting at 14:00 (Vienna time). Download the programmeor view online:
PEEX EGU Display session is scheduled for a live, text-based chat on 08.May from 10:45-12.30 and 14:00-15:45 (Vienna), agenda and link: https://meetingorganizer.copernicus.org/EGU2020/displays/35931,
dated 28.March.2020
Our PEEX Newsletter is out!
Read about the research, campaigns, publications and student trainings from our PEEX community.
We’ve also added a new section covering news from @uarctic and our partner programme @FutureEarth
PEEX has signed the new MoU with the Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics SB RAS. MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of PEEX program in Europe, Russia and China. Information about the MoU signed Institutes is available at the PEEX website. Dated 4.March.2019
SIT Study Abroad Group of PhD students on environmental science from various states of USA visited INAR (Uni Helsinki) to hear about the our work on aerosols, air quality and the PEEX initiative. Their visit to Helsinki also included talks at the Parliament, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Finnish Meteorological Institute. The talks and [Read more]
PEEX at EGU2020: PEEX meeting: SMP48 meeting will take place on Thursday, 7 May, 14:00-15:45 in room 0.16.
PEEX SESSION: ITS2.15/BG2.25 Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX) – Observation, Modelling and Assessment in the Arctic-Boreal Domain
Co-organized by AS4/CL2/CR7/GI6 Convener: Markku Kulmala | Co-conveners: Alexander Baklanov, Hanna Lappalainen, Sergej Zilitinkevich
Orals (I) Friday, 08 May 10:45–12:30, Room L7, (II) Friday, 08 [Read more]
We are very pleased to invite you to the Smart and Sustainable Cities (SSC-2020) Conference SCC-2020 to be held in Moscow, Russia on July 8-10 2020. Apply by March 1st here. dated 12.Feb.2020
PEEX HQ hosted the Arctic Urbanization Workshop on 14-15 January 2020. Read more. dated 16.Jan.2020
Markku Kulmala receiving the International Scientific and Technological Cooperation Award of the People’s Republic of China. Read More. dated 13.Jan.2020
” 3rd CRAICC – PEEX Workshop: Climate Change for Arctic Seas and Shipping 24-25 August 2015 at the Danish Meteorological Institute in Copenhagen, Denmark” Basic Information. Serie of CRAICC-PEEX workshops funded by Nordforsk.
PEEX introduced in the IEAS WS in Balkan 23.6-2.7.2015. Visited universities: Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, Steta Univ. Tetova, Univ. Prishtina, University of Tirana, Polytechnic University of Tirana, Aristotle Univ. Thessaloniki. Eremchenko_et_al_2015
PEEX is one of the co-organizers of the 4th Digital Belt and Road (DBAR) conference taking place 17-19.Dec.2019. in Shenzhen, China. Learn more about the DBAR conference program here. dated 09. Dec.2019
Academician Markku Kulmala has been elected as a foreign member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, dated 28.Nov.2019
Arctic Yearbook, Redefining Arctic Security, now available. Including 21 peer reviewed articles + 14 briefing notes and commentaries; Traditional security in the Arctic, Human security in the Arctic, Theorizing about security in the Arctic, Non-Arctic states and security in the Arctic. Open access at http://arcticyearbook.com, dated 18.Nov.2019.
EGU-2020 PEEX Inter- and Transdisciplinary Session “Pan-Eurasian EXperiment (PEEX) – Observation, Modelling and Assessment in the Arctic-Boreal Domain”
Conveners: Acad. Prof. M. Kulmala, Prof. A. Baklanov, Dr. H.K. Lappalainen, Prof. S. Zilitinkevich
Abstract submission is open (dl. 15 Jan 2020).
Send a pdf-copy of your submitted abstract to the PEEX HeadQuarters. dated 28. Oct. [Read more]
Status & Future of the World’s large Rivers in Moscow, on 3-7 Aug 2020. Organizers Russian Geographical Society, PEEX and Russian Hydrometeological Socciety. Note the Call for abstracts, dl 31.Oct.2019
Arctic Circle Prize 2019 was awarded to Hon. John Kerry, the former US Secretary of State. The Arctic Circle is the largest network of international dialogue and cooperation on the future of the Arctic initiated by Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, the former President of Iceland. Several presentations and sessions we organized by the U-Arctic Thematic [Read more]
Young scientists school «Chemistry of microparticles in the atmosphere, road dust, snow and surface waters and related health impacts» and Finnish-Russian WS on “Black carbon in the atmosphere and significance compared to dust sources” organized by MSU, IBA-FIN-BCDUST-project of the Finistry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, Russian Scientific Foundation and PEEX on 16-17.Sep.2019 in Moscow, [Read more]
US student group by Daniel Govoni from “Iceland and Greenland: Climate Change and the Arctic, SIT Study Abroad, School for International Training” visited INAR on 3rd Sep. The visit gathered together a group of master students from 12 US universities interested in Arctic policy making, Climate Change, Air Quality and PEEX & CRAICC programs. Read [Read more]
Autumn School 2019, Hyytiälä forestry field station, 14.–25.10.2019. Read more. Please fill in the online application form at
https://elomake.helsinki.fi/lomakkeet/99299/lomake.html by 3.Sep. in order to apply for the course. We will inform all applicants about the acceptance to the course by 6th Sep.
For additional information, please contact Dr. Tuomo.nieminen@helsinki.fi. dated 14.Aug.2019.
City of Moscow, Air Monitoring Sector Analyst of the Information and Analytical Department and Environment Centre of Helsinki City delegations visited the SMEAR-II station in Hyytiälä on Wednesday 26.June. We discussed, how to develop synergies between the urban SMEAR concept and city air quality monitoring. dated 26.June.2019.
Reminder: Submit your abstract to “International Conference on the Status and Future of World’s Large Rivers” taking place in Moscow/Russia from 3-7 August 2020 at: https://interconvention.eventsair.com/worlds-large-rivers-2020/abstracts. This conference cco-organized by UNESCO IHP (chair of large rivers), Moscow State University and PEEX aims to provide a global forum for a wide-ranging discussion of key issues [Read more]
Sergej Zilitinkevich has been named as the winner of the prestigious International Meteorological Organization (IMO) Prize for his outstanding contribution to meteorology and climatology and scientific research. Read more. dated 24.June.2019
PEEX Newsletter issue #09 – June 2019: read more. The PEEX Blog read more. Want to receive our newsletter? Please subscribe here. dated 19.June.2019
PEEX has signed the new MoU with the Odessa State Environmental University and with the Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. MoU is a bilateral document to encourage the development of PEEX program in Europe, Russia and China. Information about the MoU signed Institutes is available at the PEEX website. Dated 18.June.2019
Call-for-Contributions Northern Eurasia/ Arctic Ocean/China research results. We are collecting information on PEEX research to make an overview of the research results achieved during the last five years, in 2015-2019 , and analyze the main results and findings for the Northern Eurasia, Arctic Ocean and China, and how well we have covered the PEEX [Read more]
The IEAS-EUROPE Centre, hosted by INAR Univ.Helsinki, is in close collaboration with PEEX. The IEAS-Europe Center involves 69 actual members and goes on growing. Recently the IEAS-Europe Center has approved 5 new candidatures: Prof. Desheng Dash Wu at Stockholm Univ. / Univ. of Toronto, Prof. Jaana Bäck at INAR, Prof. Yong Xue at the Univ. [Read more]
IEAS has established the Eurasian Journal of Digital Earth, already registered with the Federal Service for Monitoring of Compliance with Cultural Heritage Protection Law. The certificate of registration: ПИ № ФС 77-75041, 2019, February 19. Read more on http://www.ejde.org/index.php/ejde
Note the PEEX region presentation by Professor Gerrit de Leeuw on “Atmospheric Composition over Northern EURASIA: Spatial Distribution and Anomalies in the Warm Summer of 2018” in the ESA Living planet Symposium MiCo – Milano Congressi, session “Tropospheric Composition and Air Quality” Tue, May 14, 2019. Amber 1+2 – Floor 2, 10:40 AM – [Read more]
Note the Pre-Announcement on the Multi–Scales and –Processes Integrated Modelling, Observations and Assessment for Environmental Applications
Young Scientist Summer School (YSSS), Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia, 27 July – 7 August 2020. This YSSS will introduce young generation of researchers to special topics in atmospheric and environmental sciences, Earth system modelling approaches and applications. For [Read more]
The University of Helsinki, the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR), the Finnish Meteorological Institute (FMI), and the University of Tyumen (UTMN) are jointly organizing a research training course “Seamless / Online Integrated Meteorology-Chemistry-Aerosols Multi-Scale and –Processes Modelling” in June at premises of UTMN. More infromation here. Dated 24 April 2019
New Environmental Atlas-monograph “Selenga-Baikal” is a fundamental overview of the Russian Geographical Society Baikal expedition. The book provides an overview on environmental, geochemical and hydrological issues of Selenga river that is the main tributary of Lake Baikal. It describes the Selenga catchments, assessments and processes of aquatic landscapes as well as a novel study on [Read more]
Read our latest news and activity overviews from PEEX Artic-Boreal Hub Newsletter: PEEX 2018 overview, PEEX related project updates including a story about Inner-Mongolian lake experiment and much more. In our new PEEX blog, you can read each article online anytime, share it in Twitter or Facebook, or leave your comments! Contact us if you want to contribute [Read more]
Open position at ICOS: Officer for SEACRIFOG project. ICOS Head Office in Helsinki, Finland is seeking an Officer for the SEACRIFOG project which is supporting the EU-African cooperation on research infrastructures for foodsecurity & greenhouse gas observations. Read more about the position: icos-ri.eu/event/476. Dated 18 March 2019
ExtremeEarth (EE) partner meeting was held on 14.March.2019 at the Helmholtz offices in Brussels. EE now looking for funding opportunities of the new Mission concept in Horizon Europe and Digital Europe and new partnerships making impact. The grand approach of EE is coordinated by ECMWF. INAR /Univ.Helsinki is one of the core partners. Learn [Read more]
Call for papers: The Calotte Academy 2019 is to be organized in 2-9 June 2019 in the European Arctic — Finland, Norway and Russia. This year’s team is “Future Arctic Societies: Scenarios, Innovations, Best Practices, Drivers & Actors.”. This is call for papers for established researchers and early-career scientists (ECS), particularly PhD candidates and post-docs, with different academic backgrounds to participate and [Read more]
Course announcement: 15th School on Atmospheric Aerosol Physics, Measurement, and Sampling will take place in Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Juupajoki, Southern Finland, from May 17th to 24th, 2019. This summer school is mainly intended for doctoral students (5 etc), young scientist, and personnel from aerosol measuring stations and research institutes, involved in ACTRIS, CRAICC, GAW, [Read more]
Course announcement: Welcome to challenge yourself, apply your expertise in a new environment, and make friends across disciplines by participating the Climate of Change – Integrating art and science in the time of climate change course to be held 20–29th May 2019 in Hyytiälä forestry field station, Finland. The course is jointly organizes by University of Helsinki, [Read more]
The 3rd International summer school on Monitoring, modeling and managing urban soils and green infrastructure (3MUGIS-2019) on the topic ANTHROPOGENIC AND NATURAL SOIL LANDSCAPES IN EUROPEAN RUSSIA: FROM SEA TO SEA is held on 21 July – 11 August 2019. 3MUGIS-2019 will include a full week of intensive on-campus lectures and training by highly recognized experts in [Read more]
The EGU General Assembly 2019, taking place in Vienna (Austria) on 7–12 April 2019, will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary, and space sciences. PEEX is present in the special session on “Coupled modelling and data assimilation of dynamics and chemistry of the [Read more]
Our latest Newsletter is out! Catch up on PEEX involvement in greener cities, Digital Belt & Road Center of Excellence with China, summer soil field course in Russia, and more. Dated 20 Dec 2018
The Stations Measuring the Earth Surface – Atmosphere Relations (SMEAR) – Concept for green cities ” was introduced at a one-day conference on “Modern metropolis: the formation of a green economy” on 12.Dec.2018 in Moscow. The conference was aimed to find new effective solutions for the transition to a “green economy” improving well-being and [Read more]
In the beginning November, PEEX working group meeting was held in Helsinki, Finland. It was combined with three project workshops (iCUPE, TRAKT and GlobalSMEAR Climate-KIC) to gain synergies and to enhance collaboration. Agenda of the two-day meeting was to share the current status and future plans of the PEEX working groups (in-situ observations; Satellites; Modelling; [Read more]
International Eurasian Academy of Science (IEAS) is organizing, in collaboration with PEEX, 2nd Sofia Earth Forum on 31.10–1.11 in Helsinki, Finland. The Forum is concentrating on grand challenges, solutions and legitimacy. During the Forum, Professor David Gee from Upsala University, Sweden received the IEAS Academician Diplomacy. Agenda. Dated 31 Oct 2018
The 2nd Internal Workshop on Observations and Understanding of Changes in High Mountain and Cold Regions (HiMAC2018) was held in late October 2018 at the Arctic Space Centre of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, located in Sodankylä, Finland. The workshop brought together scientists from fields of Earth Observations, Meteorology, Climatology, Ecology and Biogeochemistry to discuss various [Read more]
The lates PEEX Arctic–Boreal Hub Newsletter is out! If you didn’t receive it directly to your inbox, please subcribe here. You may also inform colleagues interested on climate change, air quality and environmental research on Northern Eurasia to join PEEX emailing list to receive, in addition to the 3-4 times a year published newsletter, PEEX related news and [Read more]
Academician Markku Kulmala has received Chinese Government Friendship Award 2018. The award was presented by Mr. Liu He, Vice Premier of the State Council of The People’s Republic of China. Read more here. dated 1.Oct.2018
PEEX participated the 3rd ICOS Science Conference on greenhouse gases and biogeochemical cycles held at Prague, Czech Republic, 11–13th September 2018. More than 300 participants from 30 different countries including several internationally renown scientists were gathered together for the three-day meeting. The PEEX program and GlobalSMEAR initiative were introduced at the poster session by Päivi Haapanala from [Read more]
Call for the 11th International Symposium on Digital Earth is open now. This is the series of the events organized by the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE), and will mark the 20th anniversary of ISDE symposium (starting from Beijing in 1999). For more information: Call for Abstracts, Special Sessions, Sponsors & [Read more]
iCupe stands for the Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments. More about “iCUPE Datasets as Products for the Research, Decision-Making, Stakeholders and End-Users Communities” can be lean from the poster that will be presented at the UArctic congress 2018 “Sustainable development of the Arctic – boreal regions” PEEX session. PEEX supports iCUPE on its work on combining [Read more]
At the ongoingin UArctic Congress 2018 at Oulu Academician Markku Kulmala from INAR, University of Helsinki attended the Arctic Agenda 2030 Panel Discussion together with His Serene Highness Prince Albert II of Monaco. Kulmala higlighted the importance of PEEX program for the Arctic future and invited all to join PEEX and to be part of integrated Global Earth observatory, GlobalSMEAR. The PEEX [Read more]
The Institute of Atmospheric and Earth System Research INAR, University of Helsinki is seeking for a talented PhD or Postdoctoral researcher in the area of Experimental Aerosol Science to work with field/laboratory experimental set-ups and instrumentations during measurement campaigns in Russia. Good command in Russian and English languages is required. Apply lates 20 September 2018. More [Read more]
‘Leadership for sustainable change’ is a new open online MOOC course about a sustainable world and how to get there. The course is a collaboration of two Finnish Universities, the University of Helsinki and the University of Tampere. Everyone is welcome to enrol and study, the course material will stay available online for free. Enrolment happens via the [Read more]
PEEX as a co-organizer and co-supporter of the IBFRA18: Cool forest at risk? The critical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate conference likes to draw attention to the critical role of boreal forrest to our climate system. More research and observations are needed to solve the interlinked global challenges influencing the future [Read more]
University of Helsinki, Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Reseach, INAR, is proud to announce the intensive course Analysis of atmosphere-surface interactions and feedbacks to be held in Hyytiälä, Finland on 8th–19th October, 2018. The course is based on intensive work in small groups, with MATLAB being the main tool for statistical analysis. This year’s main topic is [Read more]
The 2nd Internal Workshop on Observations and Understanding of Changes in High Mountain and Cold Regions (HiMAC2018) will be held on October 29–30, 2018 at Arctic Space Centre of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, located in Sodankylä, Finland. The workshop will bring together scientists from fields of Earth Observations, Meteorology, Climatology, Ecology and Biogeochemistry to discuss various [Read more]
The 3rd Conference of Digital Belt and Road (DBAR 2018) will be held 5–7 December 2018 at Tengchong, Yunnan, China. The conference will host several specialized sessions examining the applications of big Earth data for sustainable development in different fields, such as environmental change, disaster mitigation, water resources, agriculture food security, natural and cultural heritage, coast [Read more]
Scientific article about a puzzle of new particle formation (NPF) in polluted urban air just published in Science magazine. “Atmospheric new particle formation from sulfuric acid and amines in a Chinese megacity” by Yao et al., 2018 investigates NPF in urban Shanghai, China and describe the conditions that make this process possible. The findings will [Read more]
On the 18–19.May.2018, The Cyprus Institute hosted the International Summit-Conference Climate Change in the Mediterranean and the Middle East: Challenges and Solutions. The conference addressed the scientific basis of Climate Change in the region, its various impacts and challenges, mitigation/adaptation strategies, policy challenges and governance. The Conference was preceded by two days of Scientific Workshops [Read more]
The kick-off-meeting of the ClimEco “Mechanisms, pathways and patchiness of the Arctic ecosystem responses and adaptation to changing climate” project took place on 7-8 June 2018 in Helsinki, Finland. The event gathered together 15 project participants including PIs Profs. Jaana Back and Sergej Zilitinkevich and collaborators to plan upcoming activities and to start actions [Read more]
Academician Markku Kulmala, University of Helsinki, was interviewed by the China Daily (29.May) and he commented on President Xi Jinpings’s talk on science – technology interaction at the 19th Meeting of the Academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) in Beijing, China. Kulmala is an Academician of the CAS and participated the meeting last week. President [Read more]
The new General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”) come into effect 25 May 2018. To comply with GDPR consent requirements, we are updating peex-mailing list members. If you want to keep on receiving important updates regarding PEEX activity, we kindly ask you to indicate that you still want to receive our e-mails by updating your subscription as [Read more]
Register now for UArctic Congress 2018. The University of Oulu and the University of Helsinki are excited to invite you to the second UArctic Congress, September 3-7, 2018. Congress takes place in Oulu until the afternoon of Thursday, September 6, and then transfers to Helsinki for the Thursday evening reception and full science program on Friday, [Read more]
PEEX office has published together with one of its key collaborator universities in Russia, Tyumen State University, a paper on permaforst: Cryosphere: a kingdom of anomalies and diversity. The present paper by Melnikov et al., 2018 (Atmos. Phys. Chem., 18) attracts the attention to the crucial importance of cryospheric anomalies and topical problems related to ice, [Read more]
Abstract subbmission open for the “Cool forest at risk? The cirtical role of boreal and mountain ecosystems for people, bioeconomy, and climate” Conference on 17–20 September at Lazenburg, Vieanna. More information: website, fact sheet, flyer, and Twitter: @ibfra18, #IBFRA18.
The organizers, IBFRA in collaboration with PEEX, IIASA, and IUFRO, invite organizations, institutions, government agencies, and private companies to consider sponsoring IBFRA18. dated [Read more]
In order to expand the impact of the PEEX related scientific results, we invide you to publish in the PEEX special issue in the Journal of Geography Environment Sustainability (J.GES, Vol 11, No 1, 2018 ). From that issue you can read the overview of the first 5 years of PEEX in operation and future prospects. dated [Read more]
PEEX-related session at “Smart and Sustainable Cities (SSC-2018)” conference Russia Moscow 23-26 May 2018. SSC conference is a continuation of the series of international events focused on urbanization, its environmental consequences and possible solutions: Megacities 2050 conference (2016) and SUITMA 9 congress (2017). Extended deadline for abstract submission for oral presentations is 15 of Arpril 2018. The conference is [Read more]
IBFRA is pleased to announce, in collaboration with PEEX, IIASA, and supported by IUFRO that the IBFRA18/Cool forests Event will take place from 17–20 September at IIASA premises in Austria. You can find the first announcment here and for more information about the conference and the program please visit the IBFRA18 website: https://ibfra18.org/ and follow on Twitter: @ibfra18. dated 21.Mar.2018
Call for abstracts for the UArctic Congress 2018 is now extended until March 26, 2018. Note the PEEX Session under Environmental protection Theme:
1.4 Sustainable development of the Arctic–boreal regions. Looking forward your abstract submission! dated 19.Mar.2018
The PEEX related session on “Atmospheric-Climate Interactions and Impacts” carried out on 15 March 2018 at the 11th International Conference “Air Quality – Science and Application”, For discussion and summary
The Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road (B&R) aims at facilitating the twenty-first Century economic development of China. Read the research article on The Silk Road agenda of the Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) program in Big Earth Data. The article identifies the research themes of the PEEX related Silk Road agenda relevant to China [Read more]
Call for presentations. Bringing together Selenga-Baikal Research conference in Nalaikh, Mongolia on 31.Aug–2.Sep.2018. Registration for the conference open until 15.Jun.2018. Read more. dated 15.Feb.2018
M. Kulmala Nature comment paper ”Build a global Earth observatory” now available in Russian and in Chinese. dated 12.Feb.2018
PEEX is endorsing the iCUPE – EraPlanet project. The iCUPE (Integrative and Comprehensive Understanding on Polar Environments) planning meeting on Arctic aerosol, Hg, POPs data products was held in Oslo 9.Feb.2018.
Registration is open for the 11th International Conference on Air Quality – Science and Application. The PEEX related session “Atmospheric-Climate Interactions and Impacts” is a part of the Air Quality 2018 conference held in 12-16 March 2018, Barcelona, Spain. Welcome! Draft program and more details are available at http://www.airqualityconference.org. dated 9.Feb.2018
Are you interested to talk to 13-20 years old students around the world about your job (In Englis or nateive language)? EU funded project EduArctic gives great opportunities to reach hundreds of students and educate them first hand by scientists during webinars. There are involved around 900 teachers from schools in 47 countries. For more [Read more]
Call for Abstracts for the UArctic Congress is now open until March 16, 2018. They welcome submissions to more than fifty science sessions to be held in Oulu, Finland from September 3 and concluding in Helsinki on September 7, 2018. Note for example PEEX related session under “1. Environmental protection” theme: [Read more]
Summer school 2018 ‘First steps in Biosphere-Atmosphere Modelling’ orginized by the Institute for Atmospheric and Earth System Research (INAR)/University of Helsinki, Lund University, Aarhus University, and the Center for international Climate Research (CICERO). The course will be held at the field station SMEAR II, Hyytiälä, Finland on June 4–15, 2018. Apply by March 31, 2018! dated 5.Feb.2018
PEEX collaboration with the Russian State Hydrometeorological University (RSHU) and opening a new PEEX office at RSHU was discussed in St.Petersburg on 25.Jan. More formation Hanna Lappalainen, INAR. dated 26.Jan.2018
TRAKT-2018 project demonstrating a show case of Apatity-Kirovsk region (Murmansk Oblast) of Russia and a customer-target climate services kick off held in St.Petersburg on 22-24.Jan. One year project funded by Nordic Council of Ministers. More information project PI Igor Ezau, NERSC. Linking to PEEX. More inforamtion available at project website. dated 26.Jan.2018
Save the Date! “Cool forests at risk? The Critical Role of Boreal and Mountain Ecosystems for People, Bioeconomy, and Climate” conference will be held in Laxenburg, Austria on 17–20 September 2018. The event will focus on both boreal and high altitude forests. The conference is organized by Internation Boreal Forest Research Association (IBFRA) in collaboration [Read more]
M. Kulmala wrote a Nature comment paper ”Build a global Earth observatory”. He calls for continuous, comprehensive monitoring of interactions between the planet’s surface and atmosphere. Read the article here. dated 04.Jan.2018
The Academy of Finland and Russian Foundation for Basic Research have granted funding for five joint Finnish–Russian projects on Arctic research.
Read more here. Dated 22.Dec.2017
PEEX regional nodes, offices and working groups hands-on Workshop 13–14.Dec.2018 was held in Helsinki. The two-day WS gathered altogether 40 participants from which 7 were from Russia and 28 from Finland. Aims of the hands-on WS were to introduce and discuss the current PEEX activities and tools and to discuss the Working Group tasks & the [Read more]
IASC Advisory Group, the Int. Sci. Initiative in the Russian Arctic (ISIRA) WS took place on 7-8.Nov.2017 in Moscow. The WS gathered the national representatives of ISIRA to discuss the research priorities in the Russian Arctic. Read more.
PEEX education activities were discussed in the WMO Symposium on Education and Training (SYMET) on 30.Oct – 30.Nov.2017 in Barbados. Read more.
Invited plenary presentation on iCUPE and PEEX in “Climate Change Constraints and Opportunities in the Asia-Pasific Region: Human-Biosphere-Atmosphere Interactions and Green Growth” conference in Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia, 25.Oct.2017. Discussions on collaboration between PEEX Program and Pacific Inst. Geography, Far Eastern Branch, RAS.
PEEX was introduced in the Arctic Circle 2017 Assembly 2017 Assembly taking place on Oct 13-15, 2017. As a part of the program the Arctic Yearbook 2017 was launched also including introduction to the PEEX Program.
The 3rd PEEX Science Conference & 7th Meeting was held in Moscow on 19-22.Sep.2017 at MSU. Best Poster Award was given to Yuro Shtabkin on Regional sources of near-surface ozone in the Northern Eurasia. Conference Proceeding 2017. Conference Program, Participants and memo. The 8th PEEX meeting including working groups will take place on [Read more]
Prof. Alexander Baklanov (WMO-GAW) has been nominated as a PEEX Fellow in a connection of the 3rd PEEX Science Conference and the 7th PEEX meeting in Moscow, dated 19.Sep.2017
PEEX Science Plan is now available in Russian. The Russian translation has been made by AEROCOSMOS,
which is one of the main PEEX Partners in Russia. dated 16.Aug.2017
European GEO Workshop took place in Helsinki between 19-21 June 2017. As a part of WS program we had a panel discussion on “Coordinated, comprehensive in situ data component of atmospheric and ecosystem measurements for complementing the space borne Earth Observation”, which is a relevant topic to implement the PEEX Program research infrastructure [Read more]
PEEX introduced in the InterCarto Conference InterCarto / InterGIS-23, Geoinformation support of sustainable development of Asia-Pacific region territories in conditions of global climate change, June 26-28, 2017, Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Russia
PEEX Conference Young Scientists Contest – 2017 to support the participation of young scientists at the 3rd PEEX Science Conference & 7th PEEX Meeting. Read more. dated 08.June.2017
NordForsk CRAICC-CRUCIAL – research training week for students at RSHU, St.Petersburg on 26 Jun – 1 Jul 2017.
More information: please contact Alexander Mahura, event website, summary. dated 30.May.2017
Prof. Markku Kulmala has been awarded the honorary title of Academician of Science, the highest honour that can be bestowed on any individual scientist in Finland. President of the Republic of Finland Sauli Niinistö granted the titles at a presidential session on 10th March. More information, Interview dated 19.March 2017.
3rd PEEX Science Conference will be held 19-22 September 2017, Moscow State University, Russia. The Call for Abstracts is open. Please visit https://www.atm.helsinki.fi/peex/index.php/3rd-sci-home to submit your abstract. Submission dl June 30.
International Workshop on Observations and Understanding to the Changing of High Mountain and Cold Regions, March 3-4, 2017, Beijing, China, Conference venue: C608, Institute of remote sensing and digital earth Chinese academy of sciences, New Technology Campus, Tangjialin, Haidian District, Beijing, Contacts Info: QIU Yubao, qiuyb@radi.ac.cn, Co-organized by PEEX.More info here
ARCTIC FLUX & CRUCIAL Workshop organized on 6-9.February.2017, Hyytiälä, Finland. More info here
Introduction to Modern Atmospheric Science: Look on Air Quality in China. Univ. Helsinki Summer School course (5 ECTS) ” Introduction to Modern Atmospheric Science: Look on Air Quality in China”, 9-18.August 2017, registration is open.
China’s overseas remote sensing satellite station starts operation. Read more, dated 16.Dec.2017
Prof. Markku Kulmala is The World Academy of Sciences fellow. The election of 40 new TWAS Fellows took place at the Academy’s 27th General Meeting in Kigali, Rwanda. Dated 18.Nov.2016
“Development of cost-efficient dew and fog collectors for water management in semiarid and arid regions of developing countries (DF-TRAP)” project, funded by Academy of Finland, seminar at Tieteiden Talo, Helsinki, Finland held on 14.Nov.2016. Project results and presentations available here. dated 15.Nov.2016.
CIMO invites applications (dl 19.Oct.2016) from Russian and Ukrainian postgraduate students for participation in the 21th Winter School on 6 – 11.March.2017 at Tvärminne zoological station of the Univ. Helsinki. Further information here.
The 3rd PEEX Science Conference takes place in Moscow on 19-21.Sep. in 2017. The conference will be hosted by the Moscow State University, Faculty of Geography. Further information coming soon.
Prof. Pavel Kabat, Director General, IIASA, joins the PEEX Preparatory Phase Committee, dated 22.Sep.2016
PEEX introduced in the International Conference InterCarto/InterGIS-22 on 12.-14.9.2015 in Protvino, Russia. The conference was organized by IEAS, IGU and Center of World Data System for Geography ICSU-WDS and hosted by the Technopark Protvino. Further information.
PEEX introduced in YOPP Planning Meetings on Arctic Observations and the Modelling Component 5–9 September 2016, Reading, UK, ECMWF.
PEEX is introduced in the Nordic-ENVRI meeting in in Svalbard. Agenda, Participants. dated 05.Sep.2016
PEEX Program was introduced in the “Data Intensive System Analysis for Geohazard Studies” Conference, held 18-21 July 2016 in Sochi region, Russia, dated 8.Aug.2016.
Three papers are just published in Nature and Science where Finnish Center of Excellence is involved. These cloud studies suggest that Earth’s climate may not warm as quickly as expected. Read more from the articles: Kirkby, J. et al. (2016) Nature 533: 521–526 ; Tröstl, J. et al. (2016) Nature 533: 527–531; [Read more]
The first five PEEX Fellows have been nominated and announced in a connection of the 2nd PEEX Science Conference and 6th PEEX meeting in Beijing: Academicians S. Zilitinkevich, V Bondur, N. Kasimov, H. Guo, G. Fu. PEEX Fellows – short CVs, dated 18.05.2016.
2nd PEEX Science Conference in Beijing, China on 18-20.May.2016. Conference Program. PEEX 2016 Proceedings
PEEX introduced International Scientific Conference dedicated to 50th anniversary of IO RAS SPb Branch and 80th birthday of its founder S.S. Zilitinkevich, St. Petersburg, Russia, Apr 12- 14, 2016. Conference Agenda, Film material
the 2016 Summer School “Formation and growth of atmospheric aerosols”. Starting on Aug 15th and ends on Aug 26th, held at Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station in Finland. For further information contact Dr. Antti J Lauri antti.lauri@helsinki.fi, dated 14.04.2016
12th Summer School on Atmospheric Aerosol Physics, Measurement, and Sampling Hyytiälä, Finland, May 20-27, 2016. 1st Announcement. Contact: antti.lauri@helsinki.fidated 23.03.2016
1st Summer School ” Boreal wetlands: from plant bio-diversity and ecophysiology to biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gases budgets” to be held in Khanty-Mansiysk, Western Siberia (Russia) in Aug 24 – Sept 3, 2016. 1st Announcement. Application (http://mukhrinostation.com/projects/summer-school/) will be open until 30 April 2016. Contact: ivan.mammarella@helsinki.fi
Prof. M. Kulmala of the University of Helsinki receives award Doctor et professor honoris causa from the Tver State University, Russia. The award was personally presented to Prof. Kulmala by Andrey V. Belotserkovsky, rector of Tver State University, in Tver Russia on Saturday, 13 February, 2016. Further Information
ABSTRACTS SUBMISSION DEADLINE for the 2nd Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference 2016 on 18-20 May 2016, Beijing, China is EXTENDED until 10 February 23:59 hours CET. More information: Abstract submission, 1st Announcement, Conference website. dated 19.Oct.2015
Five of Finnish Center of Excellence ATM researchers have been selected as Thomson Reuters Highly Cited Researchers 2015: Markku Kulmala (Univ.Helsinki), Douglas Worsnop (visiting prof. Univ.Helsinki), Veli-Matti Kerminen (Univ.Helsinki), Tuukka Petäjä (Univ.Helsinki) and Ari Laaksonen (FMI). See here: http://highlycited.com/#Finland, dated 05.01.2016
Prof. Markku Kulmala has been acknowledged by a membership of the CASAD, Chinese Academy of Sciences, (CAS), in the meeting held in Beijing, Nov. 2015 . CASAD acts as an advisory body for the Government of the Republic of China on scientific and technological issues. Press release (in Finnish). dated 16.Dec.2015.
PEEX as an integrated platform for science and observations within the Arctic and boreal regions was introduced at Think Corner public event “Arctic climate and climate change” on 1.Dec.2015 in Helsinki.
WINTER SCHOOL – Participants from the PEEX community are welcome!
University of Helsinki, Division of Atmospheric Sciences announced the intensive course “Atmospheric Processes and Feedbacks and Atmosphere-Biosphere Interactions” to be held at the Hyytiälä Forestry Field Station on 7-18 March 2016. For details, see the course page. The course contributes to the PEEX knowledge transfer [Read more]
PEEX introduced in the INTER Carto – INTER GIS Conference “Sustainable development of territories: cartography and geoinformational support”, Karasnodar, Russia, Nov 9 – 14, 2015. Conference Agenda
PEEX has been introduced by Prof. Zilitinkevich at the 12th meeting of the Valdai Club, in Sochi, Russia, on 19.Oct.2015. Valdai Club is a dialogue forum of policy makers founded by the Russian Federation Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ministry of Education and Science. Zilitinkevich Interview
SMEAR concept was introduced to Dr. Juliya Kurbatova (Severtsov Institute of Ecology and Evolution, RAS) and to Dr. Aleksandr Sokolov (Russian Center for Arctic Exploration, RAS) during their visit to Hyytiälä in October (7-8.10; 14-15.10.2015). Next steps for further collaboration in a frame of PEEX in process.
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS: 2nd Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference 2016 on 18-20 May 2016, Beijing, China hosted by Inst. Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, CAS (RADI). More information: Abstract submission, 1st Announcement, Conference website.
PEEX collaborating the Northern Water Problems Institute KarRC RAS is organizing the 5th international Young Scientists Conference “Water Resources: Research and Management” on 5-8 September 2016 in Petrozavodsk, Russia. First circulate (pdf).
PEEX introduced in the 9th Symposium of the International Society for Digital Earth (ISDE) Halifax · Nova Scotia · Canada, Oct 5 – 9, 2015. Session G11: Land- Atmosphere Interactions on Tuesday 6.Oct at 14:20-14:40. |
PEEX in the European Aerosol Conference (EAC) , 07. Sep.2015. SPECIAL SESSION: Atmospheric Aerosol Characterization, Sources, Sinks and Climate Interactions at the Subarctic and Boreal Eurasian Region. Sub-session 14: The Pan Eurasian EXperiment research project, PEEX. Room: Aula U6-01F, at 14:00 – 16:00 PEEX Session Chairs: Kostas Eleftheriadis, Hanna Lappalainen.
The CRAICC- PEEX Workshops on “Estimating and monitoring anthropogenic emission in the Arctic by using remote sensing”; “Climatology of the high-latitude planetary boundary layer”; “Turbulent exchange across strongly heterogeneous interface” have been re-scheduled and will be organized in the 2nd PEEX Science Conference, 18th-20th.May.2016, Beijing, China. Further information soon available.
5th CRAICC – PEEX Workshop: Climatology of the high-latitude planetary boundary layer, 28 – 30 Sep 2015, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre Bergen, Norway. DL for the abstract submission is Aug 31st 2015. The papers from the WS to be published in a special issue of Advances in Meteorology. All submissions and inquiries [Read more]
The Fedor P. Litke Gold Medal of the Russian Geographical Society is awarded to Prof. M. Kulmala for his works in meteorology and climatology on: formation of atmospheric aerosol, nucleation and clouds, atmosphere-Earth interaction, climate change, air pollution, Arctic boreal environment, and global challenges. Further Information dated 21.Aug.2015
Grand Challenges & Northern Societies initiative including PEEX has released a Sustainable Earth System Manifesto.The media event took place in 17.Aug.2015 at 8.00-10.00, place University of Helsinki, Runeberg-sali, adress Fabianinkatu 33. Panel discussion: Moderator Pekka Haavisto,Member of Finnish Parliament, Committee for Foreign Affairs, panel members Academy Prof. M. Kulmala, Prof. M. Kivinen, Prof. V-P. [Read more]
PEEX Special Issue has been opened in the Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics under the themes of climate change, air quality, biodiversity loss, chemicalication, food supply, fresh water and the use of natural resources through mining, industry, energy production and transport. Editors are V.-M. Kerminen, M. Heimann, D. Spracklen, T. Laurila, A. Ding, and [Read more]
5th CRAICC – PEEX Workshop: Climatology of the high-latitude planetary boundary layer, 28 – 30 Sep 2015, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre Bergen, Norway. DL for the abstract submission is Aug 31st 2015. The papers from the WS to be published in a special issue of Advances in Meteorology. All submissions and inquiries [Read more]
PEEX introduced in ABCC Special Workshop “Earth Observation for Global Change” on 13 May 2015, in Berlin, Germany. ABCC is a special session of ISRSE36
The 2015 Alfred Wegener Medal & Honorary Membership awarded to Sergej Zilitinkevich for creating the fundamentals of the theory of stratified planetary boundary layers. More information here.
The 3rd CRAICC-PEEX workshop at DMI 24-25 Aug 2015. Further information; event-website, flyer, For the questions, please contact Annabelle Lund (ase@dmi.dk).
The 1st Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference & The 5th PEEX Meeting Helsinki, Finland 10-13 February 2015. Meeting Venue, Agenda, Participants, PEEX Proceedings, Press Releases in: Suomi, English, Russian, Chinese, Awards,photo,memo, Pro-Arctic PEEX news (in Russian), RADI Press Release (in Chinese)
PEEX Science Conference takes place in Helsinki on 10-12.Feb.2015. Tentative Agenda
PEEX introduced in the CRAICC & DEFROST Joint Annual meeting 22-23.Oct.2014
PEEX introduced in SPIE Remote Sensing Conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands on 22-25.Sep.2014
1st CRAICC-PEEX Workshop, Pilot-Nro 1: Short-living climate forcers in the Arctic and Eurasia, on 18-20.Aug.2014 in Hyytiälä, Finland. Objective of the workshop: Enhance collaboration between Nordic and Russian collaborators in modeling and measurements of short-lived climate forcers in the arctic regions. Planning of joint projects and publications. Serie of CRAICC-PEEX workshops funded by [Read more]
PEEX introduction paper is published in a journal of “GEOGRAPHY, ENVIRONMENT, SUSTAINABILITY”.
PEEX was introduced (poster session) in 4th ACTRIS General Meeting 10-12 Jun 2014, Clermont-Ferrand, France
1st ICOS International Conference on Greenhouse Gases and Biogeochemical Cycles in Brussels 23-25 September 2014.
PEEX was introduced (poster session) in 16th GEIA Conference Bridging Emissions Science and Policy 10-11 June 2014 National Center for Atmospheric Research Boulder, Colorado, USA. A summary of the GEIA conference to be published in the IGAC Newsletter will be available soon.
Prof. Markku Kulmala, Univ.Helsinki, has received honorary professorship from two different institutes in China: May 17th, 2014, Kulmala was appointed honorary professor of Fudan University by the University President Yang Yuliang. Kulmala received also honorary professorship from the Institute of Remote Sensing and Digital Earth, RADI, CAS on May 19th during the opening ceremony of [Read more]
FIRST ANNOUNCEMENT: The 5th PEEX Workshop and The 1st Open Pan-Eurasian Experiment (PEEX) Science Conference 2015 will take place from Tuesday 10 February to Friday 13 February 2015, in Helsinki, Finland.
PEEX Session in the 4th iLEAPS Science Conference “Terrestrial ecosystems, atmosphere, and people in the Earth system”: on Tuesday, 13.May.2014, at 10:00–12:00. Session chairs Tuukka Petäjä & Xunhua Zheng
PEEX Sessions in EGU: Orals: Monday, 28 Apr 13:30–15:00, Room B11. Posters: Display Time: Monday, 28 Apr, 08:00–19:30. Attendance Time: Monday, 28 Apr 17:30–19:00
Arctic Observing Summit takes place on 9 – 11 April 2014 in Kumpula campus, Helsinki, Finland. M. Kulmala will introduce PEEX in a panell discussion on Wed 9-April-2014 in the Session of “Science coordination towards an Arctic Observing System”. Street address Gustaf Hällströmin katu 2 B, Helsinki (Exactum).
The 4th PEEX meeting takes place on 4th-6th.March.2014 in St.Petersburg, Russia, at the Headquarters of the Russian Geographical Society. Find here more information on the meeting; PEEX-4 Meeting memo, Science Plan v.0.7, Infra Implementation v0.1